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Vat shall we do wis him? Ant Papa sayt, 'Me ton't know. Zen Mamma sayt, 'Let us give him to town at Mister Schultzen's, and he may pea Schumacher, ant my Vater sayt, 'Goot! Six year ant seven mons livet I in town wis ze Mister Shoemaker, ant he loaft me. He sayt, 'Karl are one goot vorkman, ant shall soon become my Geselle. Pot-man makes ze proposition, ant Got ze deposition.

Umh, plaistered and bound up? bloody? how comes this? goe too and goe to; if I have done any mischiefe or bene over valiant in my drinke to kill a man or soe, why 'twas in my drinke, not I, and let my drinke be hangd for't; or, I say and I sayt, let um stay till I am drunke againe and then hange me; I care not, I shall not be sensible of it. Blesse me whose this? ha ! Enter Grimes disguised.

Broser Johann must not serve; ME shall pe Soldat. Karl is for nopoty necessary, and Karl shall pe Soldat. "'You is one honest man, Karl, sayt Papa, ant kiss me. Ant me was Soldat." "Zat was a terrible time, Nicolinka," continued Karl Ivanitch, "ze time of Napoleon. He vanted to conquer Germany, ant we protected our Vaterland to ze last trop of plot.

Goe to, I, and goe to; tis good to be merry and wise; an inch in quietness is better than an ell of sorrow. Goe to and goe to agen, for I say and I sayt, there is no reason but that the parson may forget that ere he was clerke . My lady has got a cast of her eye since she tooke a survey of my good parts.

"Den I take his hant, ant says, 'Why say you so, Papa? Come wis me, ant I will say you somesing. Ant Papa come, ant we seat togezer at ze publics-house, ant me sayt, 'Vaiter, give us one Bierkrug, ant he gives us one. We trink altogezer, and broser Johann also trink. 'Papa, sayt me, 'ton't say zat you have only one son, ant wis it you must separate, My heart was breaking ven you say sis.

Ever, ever, whilst you live, Jarvice; the dauncers alwayes payes the musike. Wilt breake custome? No, or there a pawne for you. Mr. Steward. Mus. This is your bountifull Captaine! a rope of his bounsing! But stay, lets play to the steward; it may be when he wakes we may worke him to't. Omnes. Lov. Umh , play a healthe: soe; say, it shall goe rounde: goe to, I say and I sayt, it shall goe round.

Me vere born six veek after ze vetting. He coult not forget my Mutter's shame, ant loaft me not. I had a youngster broser Johann ant two sister, pot me vere strange petween my own family. Ven Johann mate several silly trick Papa sayt, 'Wit sis chilt Karl I am never to have one moment tranquil! and zen he scoltet and ponishet me.

Gentlemen, the rarest scene of mirth towards! Suc. Where? how, good Grimes? Gr. Enter Timothie. Tim. Crac. Enter Alexander Lovell with a Bottle of Sacke and a Cup. Lov. Soe here I may be private, and privacie is best. I am the Steward and to be druncke in publicke, I say and I sayt, were to give ill examples.

"I'll come," said the Doctor, without rising; "just write your name and address on that little white slate yonder." "Toctor," said the German, extending and dipping his hat, "I'm ferra much a-velcome to you, Toctor; undt tat's yoost fot te pottekerra by mine corner sayt you vould too.

'Nopoty loaf you, pot I will not exchange you for somepoty in ze worlt, One zing your Mutter pegs you, to rememper, sayt she to me, 'learn vell, ant be efer one honest man; zen Got will not forsake you. Ant I triet so to become. Ven my fourteen year hat expiret, ant me coult partake of ze Holy Sopper, my Mutter sayt to my Vater, 'Karl is one pig poy now, Kustaf.