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Yes quite all right. Must be. That's a six foot drop. That's what I decided a six foot drop. The rope'll stand that. But it mightn't stand more. An' less than six feet mightn't be enough either. Yes, that's right." Then he thought: "I am wasting time."

With Lefever's disclaimer, Doubleday interposed a savage rejoinder: "A rope'll fit Abe's neck better than a warrant." Laramie eyed the old cattleman unmoved: "And you're here to get me to help you slip the noose, are you?" "We're here to clean out these cattle thieves," stormed Doubleday. "There are no cattle thieves here," retorted Laramie undisturbed.

"But but ain't you drownded?" "Not quite. If you don't let go of that rail we shall be soon." "Driftin' all night! Ain't you wet through?" "Yes. Might I suggest that we postpone the rest of the catechism until we reach the lock-up?" This suggestion apparently was accepted. Our captor suddenly became very much alive. "Give me a line," he ordered. "Anchor rope'll do. Where is it? up for'ard?"

"Rope'll never hold it," he declared; "fencing wire's the thing," so fencing wire was used, and after a hard morning's work pulling and straining the wire and securing it to uprights, the net was in its place, the calico roof smooth and flat against the ceiling, and its curtains hanging to the floor, with strong, straight saplings run through the folded hem to weigh it down.

Ellison and make her tell what she knows. As to Decherd, his own rope'll hang him before long. Now, I'm going to be your agent, your attorney-in-fact. That's what we'd call a 'next friend' in law, maybe, though you don't need any guardian now. If you've got any better friend, you name him, but I know you haven't. Then we'll start suit to get possession of that property, which is yours.

The handle end of the oars he connected with a piece of rope, drawn taut, and securely tied to the handles. "Now stand betwixt the handles, Charley, and lift un up so's the rope'll be against your chest," Toby directed. Charley complied, and Toby tied another piece of rope to the end of one of the oars, and where the chest rope was tied to it.

Give me another chance, and I'll leave the country!" "The rope'll take you to a new country, and a hot one at that, quicker than you can mush," jeered one. "Mercy! Mercy!" pleaded the wretched man. "Spare me this once! I'll tell you all, and get out!" "Did ye kill that Injun woman?" asked Pete, stepping near. "Yes." "Did ye lave young Radhurst to die in the Ibex cabin, an' stole his gold?" "Yes."

As it was, Doc Crombie, whatever may have been his faults, was before all things a man. He turned from Jim with a shrug. "Plain speakin's good med'cine," he said, glancing coldly over his shoulder. "You've spoke a heap plain. So will I. Hit your own trail, boy. But remember, this dogone rustler's got to be rounded up and finished off as neat as a rawhide rope'll do it.

The semicircle of the floats came nearer and nearer, all eyes striving to pierce the clear water. 'I hope the rope'll no break, said Rob, anxiously, for the weight was great. 'And it's only seaweed! said Duncan, in a tone of great disappointment. But Rob's eye had been caught by some unusual appearance in the water. It seemed troubled somehow; and more especially near the line of floats.