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Give me the prize, and you shall have wealth, and a kingdom, and great glory; and men in aftertimes shall sing your praises. "And Paris was half tempted to give the apple, without further ado, to Hera, the proud queen. But gray-eyed Athena spoke: 'There is that, fair youth, which is better than riches or honor or great glory.

"Now the masters begin to gather for their meeting, coming in one by one and two by two. First comes a goldsmith, the father of the pretty girl we have just seen. With him is a queer-looking, awkward, self- conceited man, who, anybody can see in a minute, must be a town clerk. From what he is saying to the goldsmith it is clear that he means to try for the prize of his daughter's hand to-morrow.

And all this had been accomplished at the cost of only two men slightly-wounded. The expedition had thus been completely successful, for the Dona Inez was the craft the capture of which had been its especial object, while we had secured in addition a second prize and had destroyed a factory. Immediately after breakfast the captain proceeded to make his arrangements with regard to the prizes.

Do that during youth which may ensure a happy old age; and do that during thy whole life here which may enable thee to live happily hereafter. The wise prize that food which is easily digested, that wife whose youth hath passed away, that hero who is victorious and that ascetic whose efforts have been crowned with success.

He employed all his art to ensnare him; and at length succeeded and took him. Overjoyed at so great a prize, which he looked upon to be of more worth than all the other birds he commonly took, he shut it up in a cage, and carried it to the city. As soon as he was come into the market, a citizen stops him, and asked how much he would have for his bird?

Then he put it up at lottery to raise money with which to open a shop of his own. Keith's father bought a lot while still engaged, and won the prize which became the chief wedding present of his bride to be cherished above all other objects to her dying day.

He was young, but there was some ground for his confidence; for he not only had studied all that text-books could teach him but he had the constructor's eye, which sees half-instinctively where strength or weakness lies. Brandon began his military career as a prize cadet and after getting his commission he was quickly promoted from subaltern rank.

Had the Hollins been captured one short year later, Marcy would have been obliged to take his share of the prize money in scrip, and Captain Benton might have thought himself lucky if he had received twenty cents on the dollar.

In a minute the dripping prize was being offered to Sylvia, who clasped her hands and drew back. "Would you mind putting him down?" she said. "He looks so big and whiskery." "Oh, I'm ashamed of you, Sylvia," laughed Edna. "Now you have to find another just his size, Mr. Dunham. She has to have a pair." "She does, eh?" returned John resignedly.

His mind is filled with vague, delicious thoughts that come out of the very air; before he realises what he has done he has spent his years in vain pursuit and turning finds himself old and undone." Telfer began jabbing at the ground with his stick. "I had my chance. In New York I had money to live on and time to have made an artist of myself. I won prize after prize.