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I don't know how long they might have gone on disputing in this fashion if the office boy from next door had not poked his head in and called: "What's the matter?" Then he saw the Calico Clown lying on the floor and he added: "Has Santa Claus been here?" and he laughed. "It came out of the pocket of the Boss," explained the first office boy. "He put it on his desk.

"But let us hear your own adventure," I said tartly. At this challenge he looked uneasily round him. I had poked up a very unpleasant recollection. "You shall hear it, Dick; I'll tell it to you," he said. "Begad, sir, I should feel quite queer, though, telling it here, though we are too strong a body for ghosts to meddle with just now."

Behind them McIvor was hallooing to his scattered followers at the top of his lungs and cursing impotently between hollers as he poked about at the edge of the clearing. The bedlam which had broken loose when Podmore was freed had trailed out to a scatter of noise in the distance.

But I don't think I'll pull out again. And I am rejoiced that you are not troubled now with seasickness, that you never are." Which last resulted in her dignified silence. Through the night, there came continually the clamoring of the wild fowl in the lagoon back of us, and this seemed to make the boys restless. It was Jean Lafitte, next, who poked his head out from under the tarpaulin.

I had not thought of it in Dorchester; but I thought of it now, with a feeling that it was strange to meet again thus in Lyme. I took good stock of the man, wondering if he were a spy. He was a dirty old man enough. His dirty fingers poked through ragged mittens. His cheeks were all swathed up in a woollen comforter. I made the mistake of looking at him so hard that I made him look at me.

If you can get the whip-hand of her and drive her my way well, it'll be pretty good business for all concerned. You like diamonds, hey, madam?" "Very much," laughed Mrs. Ingleton coquettishly. "But you mustn't make my husband jealous. Remember that now!" Preston closed one eye deliberately and poked his tongue into his cheek. "You leave that to me, my good madam.

The whole mountain was at that time covered with long grass, and as the cave was closely surrounded by it, and the bear if poked out in the usual way would rush into the grass and thus give a bad chance to the shooter, I devised what I thought, and what at first appeared to be, an excellent plan for meeting the difficulty.

He was always listened to with great respect and attention when he addressed the House, but a considerable amount of fun was poked at him after a certain occasion when he had interrupted General Butler a time or two in debate, and the General, finally losing patience, replied to one of his questions with the admonition: "Shoo, fly, don't bodder me!"

"And what is more" he paused "what is more," he continued, "I am inclined to think that those experiments may have been crowned with a success they little understand." Down went the professor's fists, his head was poked forward in Malling's direction, and his small eyes glittered almost like those of a glutton who sees a feast spread before him.

Her bare feet, as if poked through the bottom of an unadorned, sleeved calico sack buttoned tightly at neck and wrists, felt over the rug for the slippers while she looked upward into her husband’s face. “I don’t know how to manage him,” Mr Verloc explained peevishly. “Won’t do to leave him downstairs alone with the lights.”