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"Who's seeing to them in the parlour? Who's getting their baskets out here? Where they finding a place for their wraps? Who's lighting the rest of the lamps? What time is it?" demanded Mis' Winslow, cutting her cakes. "Oh," said Mis' Bates from a cloud of brown butter about the cooking stove, "I donno whether we've done right. I donno but we've broke our word to the Christmas paper.

"Excuse me," she said quickly, and going to a window giving an open view down into Rose Cottage, and throwing the heavy curtains behind her; the windows of the cottage being all aglow with lights, the interior of parlour and dining-room could be distinctly seen. "Sir Lionel, come quick! look over there," she cried, giving him the field-glass. "Great heavens, what does it mean?" he exclaimed.

Miss Rhodes gave me that impression. Nothing definite, you know; no false statements; just the way she spoke. Clever of her, what? very clever! Knew better than to spoil her own game!" If looks could have slain, the saffron parlour would have seen a dead man at that moment. Claire withdrew her hand, and surreptitiously rubbed it against her skirt.

"Which I was that took aback like, you might have knocked me down with a feather," said the proprietress of the little parlour, as she went out of the rustic porch to open the gate for Mr. Carter and his companion. "I want to see Mr. Dunbar," he said, "on particular business. You can tell him I come from the banking-house in St. Gundolph Lane.

All had to be gone about in so ceremonious a manner, too, at least at first when I made my formal call on Miss Huntingdon, who received me in her parlour with prim civility, as if I had come to order a leghorn hat of the best. "My mother's compliments, and might Miss Charlotte Anderson be allowed to accompany Agnes Anne to tea at four hours that day?

His heart beat loud enough in his ears; yet he felt none of that helplessness that had fallen on him before when his father was angry.... Certainly he had added to his stature in the parlour at Froggatt. The old man poured out a glass of wine and drank it. His face was flushed high, and he was using more words than usual.

The moment he heard the sound, he threw down his newspaper, and, leaving the parlour, ascended to the dining-room. His two oldest children were there, ready to take their places at the table. "Where's your mother?" he inquired of one of them. "She's dressing Charley," was answered. "Never ready in time," said Mr. Bain, to himself, impatiently. He spoke in an under tone.

She thought how simple, agreeable, reliable, honest, good-natured, and sympathetic he was. 'Her's sleeping like a babby, Meshach stated, returning to the parlour. He lighted his pipe, and through the smoke looked at Leonora in her dark magnificent dress. Then John arrived, pompous and elaborately calm; but he had driven Prince to Hillport and back in twenty-five minutes.

"It's well enough to preach equality an' what not when you're walking on the opposite side of the road, as Abel would say, but it don't ring true while yo' feet are slippin' an' slidin' over a parlour floor." "Then I shan't go without you. Where you aren't welcome is a place I can stay away from."

"I suppose there is another parlour." "Yes; but only priests are allowed to enter it under pain of excommunication, unless you get leave from the Holy Father." I could not imagine how such a monstrous establishment could be tolerated, for it was almost impossible, under the circumstances, for the poor girls to get a husband.