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All iv a suddent he give a cry iv rage, an' jumped feet foremost into th' pile. 'Down! says th' impire. 'Faith, they are all iv that, says I, 'Will iver they get up? 'They will, says ol' man Dorgan. 'Ye can't stop thim, says he. "It took some time f'r to pry thim off. Near ivry man iv th' Saint Aloysiuses was tied in a knot around wan iv th' Christyan Brothers.

It was the Mex all right, an' some o' his bunch." "And Lacy didn't know they were there?" "I reckon not; leastways he never said so, an' they'd only come a few days." "How many are they?" "Maybe a dozen; I don't just know. I saw eight, or ten, round the bunk-house, besides ol' Mendez an' that dude lieutenant of his, Juan Cateras. I ain't got no use fer that duck; I allers did want ter soak him.

The forest seemed a vast hive of men buzzing about in frantic circles, but the cheery man conducted the youth without mistakes, until at last he began to chuckle with glee and self-satisfaction. "Ah, there yeh are! See that fire?" The youth nodded stupidly. "Well, there 's where your reg'ment is. An' now, good-by, ol' boy, good luck t' yeh."

"She is the proud daughter of the old Castile! Ol

'Ridin' all over this' excuse my rough language, Kate 'blamed country, lookin' f'r to tell you Van Horn and Stone's out o' jail! "Laramie seen then from the ol' man's horse how he'd been ridin' 'n' softened down a bit. 'So I heard, Simmie, he says. 'Who'd you hear it from? says Simmie. 'Direct, Simmie, he says.

"If you was a ol' little boy," said Billy, "it wouldn't make no diffunce; I don't want to make yo' ma mad an' Aunt Minerva say for me to keep 'way f'om you anyhow, though I didn't make her no promises." Jimmy grew angry. "You're the stingiest Peter they is, William Hill," he cried; "won't let nobody tech your old mumps. My cousin in Memphis's got the measles; you just wait till I get 'em."

'I should be a bigger fool than I am if I expected anything else. Then he smiled at me. 'No! Just go on talking. Ol and I'll drown you easy enough. Quite short! Back in five minutes. The two men placed each his wine-glass on the space on the piano designed for a candlestick, lighted cigars, and sat down to play.

Sure, Gin'ral Grant lost more men in wan day thin th' British have lost in four months, an' all he had to keep tab on was ol' fashioned bullets an' big, bouncin' iron balls." "Thrue," said Mr. Dooley. "I don't know th' reason, but it mus' be that th' betther gun a man has th' more he thrusts th' gun an' th' less he thrusts himsilf. He stays away an' shoots.

Much it would have mattered if I had, but I always take credit when and while I can. "It's very kind of you, Ol ... Mr. Wheatman," said he, "but...." "Yes," said I encouragingly. "But there's what I may call the material side of the matter to be considered. My son's bride should be suitable from the business point of view." "I've been considering that point, Master Dobson.

He's too smart foh a bird an' he's done a most powahful sight o' runnin', sah; I reckons he's mos' all muscle." There was an agonized appeal in the darky's voice that cut straight to the Colonel's heart. "Uncle Noah," he said kindly, "it can't be helped. Job goes for the sake of someone else." "Ol' Missus?" "Yes.