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The Union Pacific Railroad located their line to the California State line and had their graders at work as far west as Humboldt Wells, Nev., four hundred and sixty miles west of Ogden. This line west of Promontory was never built, however, and it is said that one million dollars was expended in this way.

Think you'll always have me under your thumb, nev' giv' free hand. There's not a man on God's earth would stand it, damned if there is tied to wom' apron strings all the time!" "Very well, get your own cigarette. I'm going to bed." "Y-you w-w-would," he said, and laughed shrilly. "Think you've got me in blasted bush, work like blast' galley slave while you skulk in bed."

They tried to keep the news from Martha's ears, but somehow it leaked into them, and when Jim came home on that evening she looked into her husband's face with a strange, new expression. "Oh, Jim," she cried weakly, "'Tildy done gone, an' me jes' speakin' ha'd 'bout huh a little while ago, an' that po' baby lef thaih to die! Ain't it awful?" "Nev' min'," said Jim, huskily; "nev' min', honey."

Kitts an' then stay to the funeral " "Funeral!" cried Mrs. Lathrop, "I nev " "For after bein' specially invited to help lay her out an' go to the funeral," Susan repeated calmly, "Mrs. Kitts did n't die a tall." "Oh!" said Mrs. Lathrop, terminating the whole of a remark, for once.

Co'se she nev' tuck an' pay no 'tention, 'cause Miss Julia, she nev' pay no 'tention to nobody; an' she like caller have nice time she ain' goin' tell 'em you' grampaw make such a fuss.

A tamed child drudge was Goaty, with adenoids, which Mrs. Zapp had been meanin' to have removed, and which she would continue to have benevolent meanin's about till it should be too late, and she should discover that Providence never would let Goaty go to school. "Yes, Mist' Wrenn, Ah told Goaty she was to see the man about getting that chair fixed, but she nev' does nothing Ah tell her."

+ + | | | McQuiggan & Straight | | STREAKY MOUNTAIN COPPER COMPANY | | Orsten, Palas County, Nev. | | | | | | L.P. MCQUIGGAN ARTHUR STRAIGHT | | President Vice-Pres. & Treas. | | | + + "Any good?" queried the Doctor. "Best undeveloped property in the State." "Why don't you develop it?" "Capital." "Get the capital." "Will you help me?" "Sure." "How?" "Advertise." "Advertising costs money."

Kimball havin' a nephew as was a editor, an' Mr. Kimball's never havin' seen fit to mention the fact to any of us in all these many years as we've been friends on an' off an' us always buyin' from him whenever we was n't more friends with Mr. Dill." "I nev " said Mrs. Lathrop. "No, nor no one else ever heard of him neither.

But the propriety was shaken out of her, and she delightedly continued to ejaculate "Nev' in my LIFE" as she saw the living-room door opened by invisible hands and shoes hurling through it, as she heard from the darkness beyond the door a squawling, a bumping, a resolute "Here's a lot of shoes. Come on, you wolves. Ow! Y' would, would you!"

"Nev' min' old Ba'teese," he said hurriedly; "he joke when eet is no time. You worry, huh? So, mebbe, Ba'teese help. There are men at the boarding house." "The Blackburn crowd?" "So. Seven carpenters, and others. They work for Blackburn, who is in Chicago. They are here to build a mill." "A mill?" Barry looked up now with new interest. "Where?" "Near the lake.