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"Good God, how can you be so shiftless? A law is a law. The man's papers must be sent in to-day ... this instant." Monica looked appealingly at me. "I'm afraid I'm to blame, sir," I said. "The fact is, my passport is not quite in order and I shall have to take it to the embassy before I send it to the police." Then I saw Josef standing by the bed, a salver in his hand.

'You and I must be friends, she said to Monica, holding the girl's soft little hand. 'We are both black but comely. The compliment to herself seemed the most natural thing in the world. Monica blushed with pleasure, and could not help laughing. It was all but decided that Monica should become a pupil at the school in Great Portland Street.

"Open that wardrobe," said a voice from the bed: a firm, business-like voice that was good to hear. "Open it and get right in, young man; but don't go mussing up my good dresses whatever you do! And you, Monica, quick! Switch off those lights all but this one by the bed. Good! Now go to the door and ask them what they mean by making this noise at this time of night with me ill and all!"

Monica laughed, and spoke of something else. She was in good spirits; already her companion's view of life began to have an effect upon her; she thought of people and things in a more lightsome way, and was less disposed to commiserate herself.

'You will really bring me the flowers? Everard said in a voice sensibly softened. 'I will make a note of it, was the reassuring answer. The sick girl whom Miss Barfoot had been to see was Monica Madden.

The story of decisive evidence kept back seemed to her only a weak woman's falsehood a fiction due to shame and despair. Undoubtedly it would give some vague relief to her mind if Monica were persuaded to go to Clevedon, but she could not bring herself to think of visiting the suffering woman. Whatever the end might be, she would have not part in bringing it about.

Monica found more attraction in books as her life grew more unhappy. Though with reluctance Widdowson had consented to a subscription at Mudie's, and from the new catalogues she either chose for herself, necessarily at random, or by the advice of better-read people, such as she met at Mrs. Cosgrove's. What modern teaching was to be got from these volumes her mind readily absorbed.

About this time of his age, he fell into a dangerous sickness, which lasted two months; all which time his Mother, having notice of it, did in her hourly prayers as earnestly beg his life of God, as Monica the mother of St. Augustine did, that he might become a true Christian; and their prayers were both so heard as to be granted. Which Mr.

'Don't you think we might go out for half an hour? Monica whispered, when Virginia had pointed to the invalid's closed eves. 'I'm sure it's very unhealthy for us all to be in this little place. I don't like to leave her, the other whispered back. 'But I certainly think it would be better for you to have fresh air. Wouldn't you like to go to church, dear? The bells haven't stopped yet.

The poetry says the enigma is 'to provide the lost link' and 'bring a greater reward than you think'. This is indeed a discovery! It's evidently intended to tell Monica where her money is to be found." "Can we be quite, quite certain?" hesitated Cicely. "Well, everything seems to point to it.