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She has made me promise solemnly that he shall not be told. I haven't even told Alice. But she will know very soon. At the end of September she leaves her place, and will come to London to be with us for a time at all events. We do so hope that we shall succeed in persuading Monica to go to the house at Clevedon. Mr.

'You know what it all points to, said Miss Madden, drying her sallow, pimpled cheeks. 'You must do as your husband wishes, dearest. We must go to Clevedon. There the poor girl will be out of temptation. 'You and Virgie may go. 'You too, Monica. My dear sister, it is your duty. 'Don't use that word to me! exclaimed the other angrily. 'It is not my duty.

"And as he said this, Philip Dubarry arose and went into his library and rung the bell, and to the servant who answered it, he said: "'Send Monica the housekeeper here. "In a few minutes Monica entered the room. "'Did I not order you, on pain of my heaviest displeasure, never to annoy Mrs. Dubarry by so much as the mention of the gipsy girl's name to her? sternly demanded Philip Dubarry.

Deliberately he had brooded over a tragic close to the wretchedness of his existence; he would kill himself, and Monica should perish with him. But an hour of contentment sufficed to banish such visions as sheer frenzy. He saw once more how harmless, how natural, were Monica's demands, and how peacefully he might live with her but for the curse of suspicion from which he could not free himself.

The opinions, the character, the achievements of the man, matter very little. He may be a sceptic like the gentle Sieur de Montaigne, or a saint like the bitter son of Monica, but when he tells us his own secrets he can always charm our ears to listening and our lips to silence.

It would be a capital thing if only those children were allowed to learn an instrument who showed genuine talent for music. 'In that case, said Monica, 'there certainly wouldn't be hosts of people ready to play for me. 'No. His merry laugh was repeated. 'You mustn't mind when I contradict myself; it's one of my habits. Are you here for the whole winter? 'Only a few weeks, unfortunately.

Something like dissatisfaction passed over Miss Nunn's face, though she did not allow Monica to see it. Her lips moved in a way that perhaps signified disdain for such timidity. Tolerance was not one of the virtues expressed in her physiognomy. 'Let us go back to the drawing-room and have some tea. Monica could not become quite at ease. This energetic woman had little attraction for her.

Finally, having mixed a glass of gin and water one-third only of the diluent she sat down with one of her frequent sighs and began to enjoy the evening. The last, the very last, of such enjoyment; so she assured herself. Alice's presence in the house would render impossible what she had hitherto succeeded in disguising from Monica.

'Do you need a life of excitement? he asked, with a sidelong glance. 'Excitement? No, but one must have change. When they reached Herne Hill, Widdowson became silent, and presently he allowed the horse to walk. 'That is my house, Miss Madden the right-hand one. Monica looked, and saw two little villas, built together with stone facings, porches at the doors and ornamented gables.

I had washed, I had brushed my clothes, I had dined, and I sat in silence by the table, in the most utter dejection of spirit, I think, into which it is possible for a man to fall. I was so totally crushed by the disappointment of the evening that I don't think I pondered much about my own fate at all. But my thoughts were busy with Monica.