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A flush remained upon her cheeks, in marked contrast to the pallor which for a long time had given her an appearance of wasting away. That and her singularly bright eyes endowed her with beauty suggestive of what she might have gained in happy marriage. The had luncheon at one o'clock, and at a quarter to two Monica started by train for Clapham Junction.

I am very glad to tell you that Edmund impresses me very favourably. He is reserved, but that is no fault. Oh, we must write to Alice at once! Her surprise! Her delight! When, on the next day, Monica met her betrothed in Regent's Park she still lived with Mildred Vesper, but no longer went to Great Portland Street their talk was naturally of Mrs. Luke. Widdowson speedily led to the topic.

He had a hunted look on his face. Monica saw it and it sobered her. They got up in front, and I sat in the body of the car. "Hang on to that!" said Francis, handing me over a leather case. I recognized it at a glance. It was Clubfoot's dispatch-box. Francis was thorough in everything. Once more we dashed out along the desolate country roads. We saw hardly a soul.

And hence the qualities ascribed to her, of Virgo Fidelis, Mater Castissima, Consolatrix Afflictorum, were those to which all lofty women were exhorted to aspire. The elevation of woman kept pace with the extension of Christianity. Veneration for her did not arise until she showed the virtues of a Monica and a Nonna, but these virtues were the fruit of Christian ideas alone.

'Please to let me refuse for next Sunday. The one after, perhaps He bent his head, looked desperately grave, and drove the boat on Monica was disturbed, but held to her resolution, which Widdowson silently accepted. The rest of the way they exchanged only brief sentences, about the beauty of the sky, the scenes on river or bank, and other impersonal matters.

Cousin Monica this morning, at pleasant Elverston, all-unconscious of my sad plight, proposed to Lady Mary Carysbroke and Lord Ilbury, her guests, to drive over to church at Feltram, and then pay us a visit at Bartram-Haugh, to which they readily agreed. Accordingly, at about two o'clock, this pleasant party of three arrived at Bartram.

"And we delighted in doing ill, not only for the pleasure of the fact, but even for the affection of prayse." Even Monica, it seems, justified the saying: "Every woman is at heart a Rake."

I laughed and blushed, I suppose; and Cousin Monica, skipping after her wont to quite another matter, said in her odd frank way 'And how has Silas been? not cross, I hope, or very odd. There was a rumour that your brother, Dudley, had gone a soldiering to India, Milly, or somewhere; but that was all a story, for he has turned up, just as usual. And what does he mean to do with himself?

At length he ventured a question. Monica affected no reluctance to tell him that she was in a house of business, that she had relatives in London, that only by chance she found herself alone to-day. 'I should be sorry if I never saw you again. These words he uttered with embarrassment, his eyes on the ground. Monica could only keep silence.

'But very rich, my dear, said Virginia in a murmuring voice. 'You can see that. I have met such people before; they have a manner oh! Of course Mr. Widdowson will take you to call upon her. 'When nobody else is likely to be there; that's what she meant, remarked Monica coldly. 'Never mind, my love. You don't wish for grand society.