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But, although he was a surprisingly reasonable creature, yet, when young Diamond woke in the middle of the night, and felt the bed shaking in the blasts of the north wind, he could not help wondering whether, if the wind should blow the house down, and he were to fall through into the manger, old Diamond mightn't eat him up before he knew him in his night-gown.

He listened quiet till I 'ad finished, and then he shook 'is 'ead. "'It ain't in my line, he ses. "'There's 'arf a quid 'anging to it, I ses. "'Arry shook his 'ead agin. 'Tain't enough, mate, he ses. 'If you was to make it a quid I won't say as I mightn't think of it.

"What's the good of tiring the lads for nothing?" said Aleck, as the men began to scramble into the cutter. "It will take them nearly ten minutes to get round to where he went off." "Would it?" "Of course." "But, I say," said the middy, anxiously, "mightn't he be drowned?" "Just about as likely as that dogfish he threw at you. Come and look!"

But the papers went on talking, and so he allowed that maybe if he didn't go he mightn't ever have another chance to see a balloon; and next, he found out that Nat Parsons was going down to see it, and that decided him, of course. He wasn't going to have Nat Parsons coming back bragging about seeing the balloon, and him having to listen to it and keep quiet.

Mightn't a' seen it now, only the missus cleared the raffle out of the chest, and, `Give me that paper, I says, seeing it in her hand; and I fell to reading it, for a man'll read anything bar tracts lying in bed eight months, as I've been with the dropsy. I've been whaler man and boy forty year, and my last ship was the Sea-Horse.

I begged to be allowed to come about the place years ago, and you didn't refuse; but you always kept me away by wishing I mightn't come; and now, because you are puzzled to know what to do with your silly child, you want me with you for the first time these ten years! Oh, you selfish people, don't fancy I'll come near you!"

"And this one might be any one of a thousand like it, mightn't it, Sol?" "Well, I don't reckon it could. That's the one Isom had." "Did you step over where the dead body was at and heft it?" "'Course I never," said Sol. "Did you open it and count the money in it, or tie a string or something onto it so you'd know it when you saw it again?" "No, I never," said Sol sulkily.

"I should have liked one a good deal sooner," he said, as he took one from the basket. "But I didn't like to say anything about them. She mightn't have understood." "It wouldn't have mattered if she hadn't," said Erebus somewhat truculently. She was feeling some slight resentment that their new acquaintance had so plainly preferred the Terror to her.

The nearest any one has come to it was when Harry figured out that Tom had a band of giant elephants which he was fitting with coats of steel armor to go against the Germans," observed Ned, when he and Mr. Damon were on their way. "Well, that mightn't be so bad," agreed Mr. Damon. "But um elephants and wild giant ones, too! Bless my circus ticket, Ned! do you think we'd better go in that case?"

Don't remember any Rylands. SPELTER used to be very sweet on you, but Spelter mightn't have been his real name?" "None of our lot! No one you ever knew; a a straight out, square man," she said quickly. "I say, Nell, look here! You ought to have shown up your cards without even a call. You ought to have told him that you danced at the Casino." "I did." "Before he asked you to marry him?" "Before."