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The Sioux were obviously much pleased with their reception, especially when Mrs Davidson, Jessie, and Elspie, who had been out walking, returned and joined the party. After showing the Indians everything in the house, old McKay who constituted himself their guide, took them out to see the live stock and the farm. He led them first into the garden.

"I shot him," panted McKay. "God knows I didn't mean to! I'm afraid " He did not finish giving voice to the fear that Cassidy was dead or dying, and for a moment he saw only the big staring eyes of the girl as the gray-bearded man helped him with his burden.

But, to Recklow's grim surprise, and before he could emerge from the bushes, no sooner were the two sentries engaged in lively gossip than three dark figures crept out on hands and knees from the long grass at the very base of the Swiss wire and were up the ladder which McKay had left and over it like monkeys before he could have prevented it even if he had dared.

"My stay here is very short. I am only on a special mission, and I must return to the Crimea without delay. But we shall certainly meet again some day, Mrs. Wilders; you may rely on that." There was meaning, menace even, in this last speech, and it gave Mrs. Wilders food for serious thought. McKay did not pause to say more. He was too eager to go elsewhere.

But I cannot help wondering " He glanced at McKay. "I'm wondering, too, Pedro," said the captain. "It's hardly possible that these people know why we're here, and hardly likely that they have any interest in the Raposa. Lord knows I've nothing else up my sleeve. It's a riddle to me." It remained a riddle to the rest, for no explanation could be gleaned from the Mayorunas.

Snow was everywhere, and when a man moved the crunching of the crust could be heard far upon the chill air. Signals were made for a parley, when some of the men from each side approached the line of demarcation. Joe McKay was the interpreter, and while he was speaking, an Indian, named Little Chief, grabbed at his revolver and tried to wrest it from him.

They are all here, by the way Parker, McKay, Mellen, Sheldon, 'Doc' Gray he has the hospital, you know." "And Mr. Slater?" "Oh, we couldn't exist without 'Happy Tom'! No, the only miracle about all this is the loyalty that has made it possible.

Half an hour later, when Peter and Jolly Roger looked back from the crest of the ridge, a red pillar of flame lighted up the gloomy chaos of the unpeopled world they were leaving behind them. The wind was driving fiercely from the Barren and with it came stinging volleys of the fine drift-snow. In the teeth of it Roger McKay stared back. "It's a good fire," he mumbled in his hood.

"In the direction of the Tchernaya, sir?" "Precisely. Now that the Sardinian troops have all arrived, Lord Raglan thinks we are strong enough to extend our position as far as the river." "I had heard nothing of it, sir?" "If this news be true, the Russians appear to be better informed than you are, McKay." "And are preparing to oppose our movement?"

Tell him he must answer; that his silence will be taken as a proof he is not what he pretends. No real Tartar peasant could fail to understand Russian." "Who and what are you?" asked McKay. And this first question was answered by the prisoner with an alacrity that indicated his comprehension of every word that had been said. He evidently wished to save his neck. "My name is Michaelis Baidarjee.