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More than one, apparently, had tasted of its discipline. Colonel Lloyd whispered to me to keep my countenance, that they were not after very large game that morning, only Chipchase, the butcher. And presently we came upon the rascal putting up his shutters in much precipitation, although it was noon.

Lloyd George's transaction in Marconi shares had been magnified by partisan rancour into a crime. Much more serious was the split with Labour, which led to the loss of seat after seat at by-elections, when the allied forces which stood behind the Parliament Act attacked each other and let the Tories in. The Women's Franchise agitation was also coming to its stormiest point.

It's all furnished and waiting for us. Papa and I were out to look all over it the day I started, and everything was in place but the refrigerator, and Stuart had already ordered one sent out. "Then Lloyd opened the closet door and called her attention to the great pile of packages waiting to be opened.

At the end of December, 1914, Lieut.-Colonel Luther Watts, V.D. took over the command of the Reserve Battalion at Blackpool, which had been formed late in 1914, and Lieut.-Colonel J.E. Lloyd, V.D., was gazetted to the foreign service Battalion.

Some light is thrown on his real opinions by words found in the sermon preached at his funeral by Lloyd, his friend and pupil. "When some thought these dissents ground enough for war, he declared himself against it, and confirmed others in their allegiance: he profest to the last a great hatred of that horrible rebellion."

But before any such bloodless antidote can be applied to International Dispute, to quote Lloyd George again: "This war must be fought to a finish." These final words, snapped like a whip-lash and emphasised with a fist-beat on the table, meant that England would see her Titan Task through and if for no other reason because the man who drives the war gods wills it so.

I couldn't I Don't you see? Oh, listen, please! Please listen! And Lloyd loved me, and he said I would be happy. And I went away. And we thought Frederick would divorce me, so we could be married. But he didn't. Oh, he didn't on purpose! And we have been waiting for him to die. And he didn't die he wouldn't die!" she said with a wail. "But now he is dead, and " And what? Alas, what?

Instantly two officers left their places by the curb and walked over to the little group. "Your pardon, ladies," said Lloyd sternly. "Why do you laugh at a soldier's funeral?" The young girl nearest him wheeled around, and inspected Lloyd from head to foot. "What's that to you, Mr. Yank?" she demanded impudently. "Nothing to me, madam; but for you, perhaps, Old Capitol Prison."

"Alice, I am innocent." "Come," said the men gruffly, and Kittredge felt a sickening sense of shame as he realized that he was a prisoner. "Wait! One moment!" protested the girl, and the men paused. Then, going close to her lover, Alice spoke to him in low, thrilling words that came straight from her soul: "Lloyd, I believe you, I trust you, I love you. No matter what you have done, I love you.

Garrison, as is stated in one of the letters which has just been read, to William Lloyd Garrison it has been given, in a manner not often permitted to those who do great things of this kind, to see the ripe fruit of his vast labours.