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"I did, sir; but without finding a trace of either the pocketbook or the despatch." "Where did you find the coat Captain Lloyd had worn that afternoon?" "Hanging on the back of the chair by his bed." "What did you do when the provost marshal arrived?"

Cicely visibly turned up her nose, and with a few deft, cat-like strokes put a raw provincial in her place. She, Cicely, of course she made it plain, by a casual hint or two had just come from the very centre of things; from living on a social diet of nothing less choice than Cabinet Ministers and leading Generals Bonar Law, Asquith, Curzon, Briand, Lloyd George, Thomas, the great Joffre himself.

She must go to church and hear Sylvia sing, no matter how ridiculous she appeared, no matter how people talked and laughed at her. Spencervale congregation had a mild sensation the next afternoon. Just before the opening of service Old Lady Lloyd walked up the aisle and sat down in the long-unoccupied Lloyd pew, in front of the pulpit. The Old Lady's very soul was writhing within her.

Laval and her sister were grave, with different styles of gravity; one thoughtful, the other vexed. Old Mrs. Lloyd was in tears. The atmosphere of the house was very quiet during several successive days, as far as Matilda could observe it. The boys were extremely busy at school; and at home there was no public recurrence of Monday night's discussion. In private Mrs.

"I have not been acting on my own initiative, but under orders from the North German Lloyd in Bremen, and although I am an officer in the German navy my duty has been to the steamship line." We have so far dealt with only a few of the results of the war. There were various others of great moment, to some of which a passing allusion has been made.

You may go now;" for he had a keen sense of humour and a thorough relish of a joke, and the subject selected by Bert was peculiarly appropriate, being "Necessity is the Mother of Invention." Mr. Lloyd was so delighted with Bert's ingenuity that thenceforth he gave him very effective assistance in the preparation of his weekly essays, and they were no longer the bugbear that they had been.

#Osbourne, Lloyd.# Born in San Francisco, April 7, 1868. Stepson of Robert Louis Stevenson. Educated at University of Edinburgh. Married 1896. Has been U. S. A. Vice-Consul-General at Samoa.

It is singular that his namesake, William Lloyd, bishop of S. Asaph, should have been one of the seven bishops committed to the Tower by King James II. in 1688; but he had no scruples about taking the oaths to the new sovereigns, and became afterwards Bishop of Lichfield, and ultimately of Worcester. He attended Sir John Fenwick on the scaffold.

"You keep good hours, Master Chipchase," remarked Colonel Lloyd. "And lose good customers," Mr. Swain added laconically. The butcher wriggled. "Your honours must know there be little selling when the gentry be out of town. And I was to take a holiday to-day, to see my daughter married." "You will have a feast, my good man?" Captain Daniel asked. "To be sure, your honour, a feast."

Randolph, and then flashed a half-timid glance at Hall, as she answered, "He said that unless I promised to give up Mr. Hall, he would go last night to Mr. Randolph's and have a new will drawn up." "Did he do so?" exclaimed Gregory Hall, an expression almost of fear appearing on his commonplace face. Miss Lloyd looked at him, and seemed startled. Apparently his sudden question had surprised her.