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And oft at midnight's stillest hour, When summer seas the vessel lave, I love to prove my charmful pow'r While floating on the moon-light wave. And when deep sleep the crew has bound, And the sad lover musing leans O'er the ship's side, I breathe around Such strains as speak no mortal means!

'Look at th' Willum Haitch Vanderbilts, says he, 'an' th' Gools an' th' Astors, says he, 'an' thin look at us, he says, 'groun' down, he says, 'till we cries f'r bread on th' sthreet, he says; 'an' they give us a stone, he says. 'Dooley, he says, 'fetch in a tub iv beer, an' lave th' collar off, he says. "Doolan 'd wake up with a start, an' applaud at that.

But a jump into a canal is no more than into bed; and the water it does all the lave, will ye, nill ye. Why, look at me, the mother o' nine, wasn't I agog to make a hole in our canal for the nonce?" "Nay, mother, I'll never believe it of you." "Ye may, though. 'Twas in the first year of our keeping house together.

Biddy Doyle! Enter BIDDY, running, with a ladle in her hand. Christy. Drop whatever you have in your hand, and come here, and be hanged to you! And had you no ears to your head, Biddy? Biddy. Sure I have, sir ears enough. Only they are bothering me so without, that pig and the dog fighting, that I could not hear ye calling at-all-at-all. What is it? For I'm skimming the pot, and can't lave it.

What for did you lave her with that man this morning?" "Do you hear me, woman?" said Pete; "say nothing to nobody. My heart's lying heavy enough already. Open your lips, and you'll kill me straight." Then he went out of the house, staggering, stumbling, bent almost double. His hat lay on the floor; he had gone bareheaded. He turned towards Sulby.

Kilquhanity's eyes closed, and he buried one side of his head in the pillow, that her shrill voice should not pierce his ears. "The Little Chemist 'll be comin' in a minit, dear Misther Garon," said the wife presently, and she began to fuss with the bedclothes and to be nervously and uselessly busy. "Aw, lave thim alone, darlin'," whispered Kilquhanity, tossing.

"You were full as a goat at 'K' Troop's stables Where'd ye get the whiskey if " "I'll lay you, Lanigan, when I get two hands agin, though I misdoubt wan would do it. It's me horse I want now and lave to go on wid the capt'n.

"With your lave?" said Tim O'Rooney, stepping forward and drawing the pipe of their Indian host from his mouth. The latter gazed at him in amazement but said nothing, and offered no objection to the impudent proceeding. "I fales better," complacently added the Irishman as he emitted volume after volume of tobacco smoke.

'An' you're welcome to rayfuse me, says he, 'whin I ax your lave, says he; 'an' I'll ax your lave, says he, 'whenever I want to coort yourselves, says he; 'but it's your daughter I'm coortin' at the present, says he, 'an that's all I'll say, says he; 'for I'd as soon take a doase of salts as be discoursin' ye, says he.

Howane'er the frinds of this lad had got lave to be buryin' him dacint after he would be hanged; and me poor father, and meself, and plinty of other people were follyin'. Till they come to the ford, and when they seen the manner the wather was runnin' wild, the bearers had a notion to be turnin' back; but they made up their minds, and on they wint.