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Her heart leaped in mad response to the first kiss a lover had ever given. Her body quivered and relaxed in his embrace. It was sweet it was wonderful beyond words. He kissed her again, and she clung to him, lifting her eyes to his at last in a long, wondering gaze and then pressed her own lips to his. "Oh, my God, Kiddo, you love me! It beats the world, don't it?

"Look, Doll, there's the swellest little dancer in this town one swell little pal and a good sport. Watch her, kiddo watch her do that staircase dance. Ain't she a lalapaloo!" A buxom nymph of the grove, whose draperies floated from her like flesh-colored mist, spun to the wild passion of violins up the eight marble steps of the marble flight.

"If you ask me I'll say Dare Lane ought to hand something to the men!" burst out Floss Dickerson, with fire in her eyes. "You said a mouthful, kiddo," responded Helen, with her narrow contracted gaze upon Margaret. "Daren gave me the once over and then the icepick!" "Wonder what he gave poor Mel when he heard about her," murmured Elinor, thoughtfully.

Say, that Billy Winthrop I writ about is the brother of them folks stayin' here! What do you think!" "Wish I was out there with you fellows," said Collie. "You're doin' pretty good right here, kiddo. The boss don't think you're the worst that ever came acrost, and I expect the ladies can put up with havin' you on the same ranch by the way they talk. Got a hoss of your own yet?" "Nope.

He turned cold as his imagination projected a sketch of his mother in the act of reading this missive, and of her expression as she read the sentence: "It is the sweetest thing now you are mine and I am yours forever kiddo." He wished that Milla hadn't written "kiddo." She called him that, sometimes, but in her warm little voice the word seemed not at all what it did in ink.

Lorna was returning rather late from the motion-picture, thought Lane, and he raised his head from the pillow, to lean toward the open window, listening. "Come across, kiddo," said a boy's voice, husky and low. Lane heard a kiss then another. "Cheese it, you boob!" "Gee, your gettin' snippy. Say, will you ride out to Flesher's to-morrow night?" "Nothing doing, I've got a date. Good night."

"God! sometimes I wake up in the night just like him and ma was still alive and me and her was sitting there listening to him creak up the stairs on his bad nights. I wake up, I can tell you, in a sweat right in a sweat." "I knew you in them days, kiddo, just like you knew me. That's why you can't pull nothing over on a fellow, kiddo, that's had as many pulls on your all-day suckers as I have.

So we comes to the edge of a green field alongside the road and I falls in a heap, and Sweet Caps he falls in another heap alongside of me, making two heaps in all. "'Kiddo, I says, 'let us recline here and enjoy the beauties of Nature, I says. "'Dern the beauties of Nature! says Sweet Caps. 'I've had enough Nature since this morning to last me eleven thousand years.

It it would 'a' broke my heart to have her wake up to-morrow without one." He regarded her through the glaze of tears. "My little kiddo!" "S-s-s-s-h!" "It just don't seem fair for you to have to " "'S-s-s-s-h! Everything's fair, darlin', in love and war. All the rules for the game of living ain't written down the Eleventh Commandment and the Twelfth Commandment and the Ninth Commandment."

She quickened her speed, leaning forward to read more surely: "Uh-uh! my ba-a-aaby, You drive me cra-azy, Uh-uh! quit shovin', I'm only lov in'." The words running along to a stuttering syncopation that filled her with self-disgust as she sang them. But she finished with quite a flourish, swinging around on the stool to face him. "You need ragging up, kiddo. You've the speed of a funeral march."