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'That dog in here again, the old lady muttered in reply, and noticing Fifi was making two hesitating steps in her direction, she cried, 'Ss ss! Katya called Fifi and opened the door for him. Fifi rushed out delighted, in the expectation of being taken out for a walk; but when he was left alone outside the door, he began scratching and whining. The princess scowled. Katya was about to go out....

It's really strange...." "Mamma," Liza says to her reproachfully, "let her alone, if she doesn't want to. We are not going down on our knees to her." "It's very neglectful, anyway. To sit for three hours in the study without remembering our existence! But of course she must do as she likes." Varya and Liza both hate Katya.

'This is my Katya, said Madame Odintsov, indicating her with a motion of her head. Katya made a slight curtsey, placed herself beside her sister, and began picking out flowers. The greyhound, whose name was Fifi, went up to both of the visitors, in turn wagging his tail, and thrusting his cold nose into their hands. 'Did you pick all that yourself? asked Madame Odintsov. 'Yes, answered Katya.

Katya wrote to me that her companions did not attend the rehearsals and never knew their parts; that one could see in every one of them an utter disrespect for the public in the production of absurd plays, and in their behaviour on the stage; that for the benefit of the Actors' Fund, which they only talked about, actresses of the serious drama demeaned themselves by singing chansonettes, while tragic actors sang comic songs making fun of deceived husbands and the pregnant condition of unfaithful wives, and so on.

You see, attend to what I say. I appropriate three thousand entrusted to my honor, I spend it on a spree, say I spend it all, and next morning I go to her and say, ‘Katya, I’ve done wrong, I’ve squandered your three thousand,’ well, is that right? No, it’s not rightit’s dishonest and cowardly, I’m a beast, with no more self-control than a beast, that’s so, isn’t it? But still I’m not a thief?

Up till now I did not understand myself; I set myself tasks which were beyond my powers.... My eyes have been opened lately, thanks to one feeling.... I'm not expressing myself quite clearly, but I hope you understand me. Katya made no reply, but she ceased looking at Arkady.

Yes,” Mitya admitted. “She won’t come this morning.” He looked timidly at his brother. “She won’t come till the evening. When I told her yesterday that Katya was taking measures, she was silent, but she set her mouth. She only whispered, ‘Let her!’ She understood that it was important. I did not dare to try her further.

He, too, probably, if he had been living, would not have been able to utter a word in the bishop's presence. . . . Something fell down on the floor in the adjoining room and was broken; Katya must have dropped a cup or a saucer, for Father Sisoy suddenly spat and said angrily: "What a regular nuisance the child is! Lord forgive my transgressions! One can't provide enough for her."

I'm certain you wouldn't be the first to give expression to your feeling, however strong and holy it might be ... 'Well, what would you expect? asked Katya. 'You're equally clever; and you've as much, if not more, character than she. 'Don't compare me with my sister, please, interposed Katya hurriedly; 'that's too much to my disadvantage.

Now about Katya; she comes to see me every day towards evening, and of course neither the neighbours nor our acquaintances can avoid noticing it. She comes in for a minute and carries me off for a drive with her. She has her own horse and a new chaise bought this summer.