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Ives, a book in no less than seven volumes, though not very large ones, which was published in 1792, and which exhibits no small affinities to Godwin's Caleb Williams, and indeed to the Political Justice itself. And Godwin, who was not above acknowledging mental obligations, if he was rather ill at discharging pecuniary ones, admits the influence which Holcroft had upon him. Anna St.

Ives is assured, yet it is certainly less popular as a holiday resort than some other places in Cornwall; those who come here usually prefer the suburban district of Carbis Bay. Newquay has attained an easy supremacy in popularity; Bude is following in its wake; while South Cornwall has Looe and Fowey, the Lizard, Penzance, with numerous small coast-side hamlets for the delight of quieter guests.

It is no matter have quarrels enough on hand, and enemies enough! I would fain die in peace with somebody! I forgive you I suppose you did your best. It is exceedingly possible that this may be the last letter you will ever receive from me. Remember me now and then. Should Henley and Anna St. Ives survive me, let them know I was not so entirely blind to their worth as they might perhaps suppose.

All that rewarded them were a sky filmed with lofty clouds, and the holiday parade of the epauletted waves. Nor did evening bring a repetition of that strange glow. Midnight found the late stayers still deep in the discussion. "One thing is certain," said Ives. "It wasn't volcanic." "Why so?" asked the paymaster. "Because volcanoes are mostly stationary, and we headed due for that light."

No small interest and conjecture were aroused among the editorial staff as to his exact status, stimulus to gossip being afforded by the rumor that he had been, from Marrineal's privy purse, shifted to the office payroll. Russell Edmonds solved and imparted the secret to Banneker. "Ives? Oh, he's the office sandbag." "Translate, Pop. I don't understand." "It's an invention of Marrineal's.

Godwin himself acknowledged the obligation; indeed it is well known that in pecuniary matters more particularly Godwin had no hesitation either in incurring or in acknowledging obligations, always provided that he was not expected to discharge them. But it is certain that Political Justice, though it is not a novel at all, is a much more amusing book than Anna St. Ives, which is one.

Gaudens generally considered one of the noblest works of the greatest American sculptor. Bust of Halsey C. Ives by Victor S. Holm. 3. Bust of William Howard Taft by Robert Aitken. 4. Henry Ward Beecher by John Quincy Adams Ward-a dignified and well-known life-size statue. Piping Pan by Louis St. Gaudens. 2. Flying Cupid by Janet Scudder. 3.

I could not sufficiently connect the meaning of all the phrases that followed; they might depend as much on seeing as hearing; but I understood Mac Fane was acquainted with the circumstance of the money I have in my possession; though whether his knowledge were gained from Mr. Clifton or Anna St. Ives, for they were both mentioned, I could not distinguish.

He saw no reason for risking a venture which became safer the further it progressed. Furthermore, he disliked direct, unsolicited advice. Ignoring Ives's remark he asked: "How are his investments going?" Ives grinned again. "Down. Who put him into United Thread? Do you know, sir?" "Horace Vanney. He has been tipping it off quietly to the club lot. Wants to get out from under, himself."

Lieutenant Ives does not state that he passed through the building into the court and ascended to the first platform from within, and yet the remainder of the description seems to imply that he did, and that the structure occupied but three sides of the court, since he states that "the houses are three rooms deep and open upon the interior court." The structure was three stories high.