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In loco parentis ye are? Well, I've not forgotten my Latin either, an' I'll say to you: 'Quis custodiet ipsos custodes. If the masters trespass, how can we blame the boys?" "But if I could speak to you privately," said Prout. "I'll have nothing private with you! Ye can be as private as ye please on the other side o' that gate an' I wish ye a very good afternoon." A second time the gate clanged.

Ipsi marks the transition from the country to the people, cf. ipsos Germanos, G. 2. Obeunt properly applies only to munera, not to tributa and delectum, which would require tolerant or some kindred verb. Zeugma. Igitur==now. In the first sentence of the section the author has indicated his purpose to speak of the people of Britain.

Superintendence is all you can trust to, and superintendence, save in some rare cases, is hard to come by, where it is to be vigilantly and constantly exercised. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? As to reformation, I have no great belief in it, when the ordinary class of culprits, who are vicious from ignorance or habit, are the subjects of the experiment.

And it was in men they found the fun. Yet here was Marcella, who was quite different from anything feminine he had ever seen or imagined, suddenly appealing to him not to let her be fickle. Immediately he felt very manly, very responsible. Then he laughed. "Quis custodiet ipsos custodies?" he said, looking into her eyes. "Father often said that. What does it mean?"

Quis tamen non videt obdurari ipsos nihilominus, nihil ut infelici illa cautione obtineri possit. Whereupon he concludes, that if such ceremonies were suffered to remain, this should be a means to nourish a greater hardness and confirmation in evil, and a veil drawn, so that the sincere doctrine which is propounded should not be admitted as it ought to be.

II. Legimus, cum Aruleno Rustico Paetus Thrasea, Herennio Senecioni Priscus Helvidius laudati essent, capitale fuisse: neque in ipsos modo auctores, sed in libros quoque eorum saevitum, delegato triumviris ministerio, ut monumenta clarissimorum ingeniorum in comitio ac foro urerentur.

On leaving the house I went to call on Prince Augustus Sulkowski, who welcomed me as of old, but told me that I had made a mistake in returning to Warsaw as public opinion was against me. "What have I done?" "Nothing; but the Poles are always inconstant and changeable. 'Sarmatarum virtus veluti extra ipsos'. This inconstancy will cost us dear sooner or later.

Ita consilium Britannorum in ipsos versum: transvectaeque praecepto ducis a fronte pugnantium alae, aversam hostium aciem invasere. Tum vero patentibus locis grande et atrox spectaculum: sequi, vulnerare, capere atque eosdem, oblatis aliis, trucidare.

You have not, as Dr. Kitchener would say, caught your hare; you have no standard. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? How shall you determine how your first word is pronounced? and which of two rhyming words shall dominate the other? In the present instance how do we know that avouch was sounded as it is now? Its being from the French would lead us to doubt it.

Committit ipsis judicium, saith Pareus; ipsos testes, imo judices appellat, so that, if the ceremonies be warranted unto us by the law of nature, the judgment must be committed to every man’s conscience, and so should every man be convinced in himself, by such a principle of nature, from which the ceremonies have a necessary and manifest deduction.