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Veuillez offrir mes hommages a Madame Reeve, et me croire. Votre bien affectionne, From Lord Granville Walmer Castle, January 7th. I return you, with many thanks, the Comte de Paris' remarkable letter. With you, I do not feel inclined to gush over Gambetta. It is true that he was well disposed towards England, but his love would have been of a troublesome and exacting character.

Dans cette situation si nouvelle, et, je puis dire, sans precedents, je tiens a resserrer les liens de mes vieilles amities, et je tiens particulierement a entretenir mes relations avec la societe anglaise, ce grand centre intellectuel qui recueille et juge les affaires du monde entier.... Je vous prie d'offrir mes hommages a Madame et a Mademoiselle Reeve et de me croire Votre bien affectionne,

The subterranean barracks and railway have ended forever the rise of the scum, the reign of the canaille and its barricades." "Adieu, my dear Hennequin. My respectful hommages a Madame."

Les affaires egyptiennes ne peuvent rester dans l'etat ou elles sont; et il faut les regler au plus vite, pour l'honneur de tout le monde. Je presente mes hommages bien respectueux a Madame Reeve, en attendant le petit voyage a Foxholes vers l'automne. Votre bien devoue, B. St.-HILAIRE. And here the Journal notes: April 16th. Edward Cheney died, aetat. 82. From Dr.

Not disheartened by this ominous venture, in a few weeks they again embarked for Lisbon, where, after Jerome's desertion, his wife remained for seven days, and then sailed for Amsterdam. As the Erin lay in Texel Roads, the captain of a French frigate came daily to present "ses hommages

He begged the ladies would forgive him if, from feelings of delicacy and a sense of the respect due to a great sorrow, he did not, before leaving Paris, which he was about do to probably for a long time, personally present to them 'ses hommages attristes'. Then followed a few lines in which he spoke of the pleasant recollections he should always retain of the hospitality he had enjoyed under M. de Nailles's roof, in a way that gave them clearly to understand that he had no expectation of ever entering their family on a more intimate footing.

"Nous avons bien regrette de ne pouvoir, avant de quitter Paris, faire un tour au Parc-des-Princes et presenter nos hommages a Madame Hamerton. Ce sera pour l'annee qui vient j'espere. "Croyez moi, cher Monsieur, "Votre bien devoue, Death, alas! prevented another meeting, for M. Darmesteter, who was already in weak health, did not live very long after. Mr.

Je ne vous parle pas de la situation de nos deux pays en Orient: elle est penible, et il me semble que le dernier numero du Punch l'exprime avec une verite parfaite. Veuillez offrir mes hommages a Madame Reeve et me croire votre affectionne, The Journal here notes: July. 16th. Crossed to Boulogne. Thence by Abbeville to Chateau d'Eu. Duc d'Audiffret, St.

Je vous prie d'agréer mes hommages empressés. We had made the ordinary short tour through Switzerland, and had arrived at Lausanne on our way home, when I was taken ill with a severe fever which detained us there for many weeks.

"I shall make 'mes hommages' in the morning," said the courier, as he drove off at full speed to deliver his despatches, and left me to my own devices to perform a character, without even being able to guess what it might be. My passport, too, the only thing that could throw any light upon the affair, he had taken along with him, promising to have it vised, and save me any trouble.