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Scarcely had Captain Williams and his exhausted crew gained the ship when the mate reported that a fleet of canoes was coming across from the mainland of New Britain, and orders were at once given to load the ship's eight guns with grape and canister. 'We'll give them something to remember us by, Hodgson, said Captain Williams, grimly. 'That poor lad!

According to their statement, the country is very open, with a fine large creek, which flows down to the Condamine; this is the creek which we passed on the 10th Oct., and which I called "Charley's Creek." The creek first seen by Mr. Hodgson joins this, and we are consequently still on westerly waters. Strong easterly and northerly winds during the last two nights.

Hodgson has to resort to the theory that, although the communicants probably are spirits, they are in a semi-comatose or sleeping state while communicating, and only half aware of what is going on, while the habits of Mrs. Piper's neural organism largely supply the definite form of words, etc., in which the phenomenon is clothed."

I am but a passive agent in the hands of powers that control me. I can give no account of what becomes of me during a trance. The wisdom and inspired eloquence which of late has been conveyed to Dr. Hodgson through my mediumship is entirely beyond my understanding.

Let me have the water for my baby, for the love of God! He's got croup, and is dying!" Mrs. "I'm sorry I can't oblige you, ma'am; my kettle is wanted for my husband's tea. Don't be afeared, Tommy, Mrs. Hodgson won't venture to intrude herself where she's not desired. You'd better send for the doctor, ma'am, instead of wasting your time in wringing your hands, ma'am my kettle is engaged."

The party had been out but one month, when the scarcity of game, far less abundant than had been expected, and the rapid shrinking of the flour-sacks, rendered it necessary to diminish its numbers, lest famine should be added to the many dangers of the journey. Mr Hodgson and Caleb the negro accordingly returned to Moreton bay, the remaining eight persons continuing their route.

"There's Hodgson in for it, Dick." "A good man; but if you would only apply yourself seriously to the business I'd back you. You're a good weight, and got a longer reach than Hodgson." "There's Bourne, too." "Personally, I believe Phil is only pacing Hodgson to take him along quicker." "It's an awful fag, and I believe Eton have got the Heavy safe and sure this year.

And so the painted lady on the stairs saw all the sinister things that Hilda had brought into the big house swept out of it. She saw Hodgson the cook trying to be brave, and bringing up Margaret's tea in the afternoons for the sake of the moment when she might speak of her boy to one who would understand; she saw Emily, coming home dead tired after a hard day's work, but with her face illumined.

Oh, Mrs. Hodgson, he'll die as sure as fate. Little brother had it, and he died in no time. The doctor said he could do nothing for him it had gone too far. He said if we'd put him in a warm bath at first, it might have saved him; but, bless you! he was never half so bad as your baby."

Carey the only Sanskrit scholar in India besides Colebrooke The motive of the missionary scholar Plans translation of the sacred books of the East Comparative philology from Leibniz to Carey Hindoo and Mohammedan codes and colleges of Warren Hastings The Marquis Wellesley The College of Fort William founded Character of the Company's civil and military servants Curriculum of study, professors and teachers The vernacular languages Carey's account of the college and his appointment How he studied Sanskrit College Disputation Day in the new Government House Carey's Sanskrit speech Lord Wellesley's eulogy Sir James Mackintosh Carey's pundits He projects the Bibliotheca Asiatica On the Committee of the Bengal Asiatic Society Edition and translation of the Ramayana epic The Hitopadesa His Universal Dictionary Influence of Carey on the civil and military services W. B. Bayley; B. H. Hodgson; R. Jenkins; R. M. and W. Bird; John Lawrence.