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But he contributed the largest share, and of all his contributions the most laborious and valuable was this project of the Bibliotheca Asiatica. "24th July, 1805.

In 1767 he began his treatise De Poesi Asiatica, on the plan of Lowth's Praelectiones, and composed a Persian grammar for the use of a school-fellow, who was about to go to India. His usual course of study was for a short time interrupted by an attendance on Earl Spencer, the father of his pupil, to Spa.

In the January following he was called to the bar. At the conclusion of the preface to his Commentaries de Poesi Asiatica, published at this period, he announces his determination to quit the service of the muses, and apply himself entirely to his professional studies.

It is also common at Almorah, where the larva feeds almost exclusively upon the 'Kilmorah' bush or Berberis asiatica; while at Mussoorie it will not touch that plant, but feeds exclusively upon the large milky leaves of Falconeria insignis. The worm is, perhaps, more easily reared than any other of the wild bombycidae."

"Succos pressos bibit noster herbarum cichoreæ, endiviæ; fumariæ; nasturtii aquatici, veronicæ aquatics latifoliæ; copia ingenti; simul deglutiens abundantissime gummi ferulacea Asiatica." Orig. Edit.

Add to this list the Berberis asiatica, Clematis nutans, Thalictrum glyphocarpum, 27 grasses, Cardamine, etc., and the mountain top presents a mixture of the plants of a damp hot, a dry hot, and of a temperate climate, in fairly balanced proportions.

Here are the nations and the people of mixed blood the Chinese, Japanese and Portuguese a population immensely representative of Oriental Asia. The measure of success of the missionaries under our flag in dealing with these people can hardly fail to be accepted by the world as a test of the practical results of the labor with the Asiatica.

Carey the only Sanskrit scholar in India besides Colebrooke The motive of the missionary scholar Plans translation of the sacred books of the East Comparative philology from Leibniz to Carey Hindoo and Mohammedan codes and colleges of Warren Hastings The Marquis Wellesley The College of Fort William founded Character of the Company's civil and military servants Curriculum of study, professors and teachers The vernacular languages Carey's account of the college and his appointment How he studied Sanskrit College Disputation Day in the new Government House Carey's Sanskrit speech Lord Wellesley's eulogy Sir James Mackintosh Carey's pundits He projects the Bibliotheca Asiatica On the Committee of the Bengal Asiatic Society Edition and translation of the Ramayana epic The Hitopadesa His Universal Dictionary Influence of Carey on the civil and military services W. B. Bayley; B. H. Hodgson; R. Jenkins; R. M. and W. Bird; John Lawrence.

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