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Still she had a touch of the roadster in her, and if not capable of elegant motion, could get over the ground well enough, with a sort of speedy slouch, while, as was of far more consequence on an expedition like the present, she was of great strength, and could go through the wreaths, Andrew said, like a red-hot iron. My father hesitated, looked out at the sky, and hesitated still.

The Belgian greeted him with raised eyebrows and the little, half-sad, half-humorous smile which was characteristic of him in his gentler moments. "You were defending our friend with a purpose," he said, in a low voice. "Good! I am afraid he needs it here." The younger man hesitated a moment. Then he said: "I came on purpose to do that. Ste. Marie knows that she saw him on that confounded pig.

The ambassador was silent a moment before replying. Then he said: "You are sure you are not taking too much upon yourself? You are certain you are right in your surmise?" "It is not a surmise, sir; it is a fact," returned Robard. For another moment the ambassador hesitated. Then he said with a shrug of his shoulders: "Very well then. Come; let us go."

Betty thrust her hand into the pocket of her sweater and pulled out the crumpled paper that Libbie had shaken out of the bottle that morning. "Were they all written on this same kind of paper?" asked Bob, reading the note. "Ye-s, that is, I think so," hesitated Betty. "I really haven't noticed. Why?" "Because I don't think any man wrote this," announced Bob confidently.

Ellison's fate to deny all knowledge of this little volume. "Come, we must hurry, my child," she repeated. Miss Lady resolved to come back after dinner and look further into this interesting book. Mrs. Ellison resolved the same. Her interest in the little volume was far greater than she cared to evince. She hesitated. Her eyes turned to it again and again, her hands longed to clutch it.

He turned toward the door, stopped, cleared his throat, hesitated, and then turned back again. "Jed," he said, "has has it seemed to you that that he that Charlie was maybe comin' to think consider'ble of of my daughter of Maud?" Jed looked up, caught his eye, and looked down again. Captain Sam sighed. "I see," he said. "You don't need to answer.

A similar effort to the settlement was soon made by Captain Gabriel Archer and the imbecile President Ratcliffe, and again the decision of Smith arrested them and forced them to their duty. He was ever prompt, and hesitated not at any measures required to govern his turbulent compeers.

It told him all that needed to be known. Mary's changed look and her averted face were now accounted for accounted for at once and forever. No word of explanation was necessary and none would be given or demanded. Some men might have hesitated, and questioned whether the blow could not be softened or averted. This was not Egbert Crawford.

When they stood up to go back to their seats she hesitated, hung her head, and looked very unhappy. "Did you want to say something to me?" asked the teacher, pausing with a bit of chalk in her hand. The little girl went up to her desk and said, what she knew it was her duty to confess: "I can't be allowed to read in the seventh reader.

"What do you mean by the 'usual thing'?" "Well, family and money, I suppose. As if we hadn't got enough for ten!" Lady Tatham hesitated. "One talks in the air," she said, frowning a little. "I can't promise you, Harry, exactly how I should behave, if " "If what?" "If you put me to the test." "Oh, yes, you can," he said, affectionately. Then he got up restlessly from the table.