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If, however, you publish next week a full retraction of your printed lie why, then I shall be only too happy to forget that such an individual as yourself burdens this planet. There are the two alternatives choose!" Grubbs hesitated, but coward fear made him quail the prospect of unlimited thrashings. "Very well," he said sullenly.

She hesitated over the manner of closing it, for she could not put "affectionately yours," as, although she was striving to put from her all hard thoughts of Gracie, she certainly did not regard her with any affection, nor would she pretend to do so; for Lena was a most determinately honest child and would never express, even in a conventional way, that which she did not feel.

At several corners they encountered barricades, but they hesitated resorting to their firearms until several bombs were thrown among the troops while they were storming a barricade defended by Russian Terrorists. That was the last straw.

Presently he spoke abruptly: "Paul, I want to know exactly what you think of our chances for getting out of this." "Why " I hesitated. "Harry, I don't know." "But you've thought about it, and you know something about these things. What do you think?" "Well, I think they are slim." "What are they?" "Nothing less than miracles. There are just two.

Had we been supplied with powder, we should not have hesitated at once to commence our journey, but unarmed, as we soon should be, we should have been both unable to supply ourselves with food, or to defend ourselves against any enemies we might meet; whereas in the spring we should descend rapidly in our canoe, and carry our provisions with us. "Several weeks passed away.

He was threatening her and beseeching her indulgence in the same look. He opened his lips, hesitated, turned sharp about and walked away from her. She watched him with increasing doubt. After saying so much, was he going to say nothing more?

He knew she was faithful and loyal to the Government, and thought she might be willing to render us assistance, but he could not be certain of this, for on account of her well known loyalty she was under constant surveillance. I hesitated at first, but finally deciding to try it, despatched the two scouts to the old negro's cabin, and they brought him to my headquarters late that night.

"But whom can you " Here she hesitated, then suddenly exclaimed as if sure of her point: "Oh, I know the messenger, Countess von Montfort " "You've aimed too high," replied Herr Berthold smiling, "yet I think the choice was no worse. Your maid, child, the poor fellow's sweetheart."

"Ekstrom," the officer supplied as the prisoner hesitated oddly. "And Ekstrom," the other agreed. There was a little silence between the two; then the officer mused aloud: "All dead!" "All ... but one." The officer looked up sharply. "Which ?" "The last-named." "Ekstrom? But we saw him die! You yourself fired the shot that " "It was not Ekstrom.

Barry, like so many in England, is a good Whig and friend to America. And you are in a part of London far removed from Mayfair." She hesitated, and then continued in a voice that strove to be lighter: "This little house is in Charlotte Street, Mary-le-Bone, for the war has made all of us suffer some.