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His was a constantly growing popularity. He could do everything but one, he could not dishonor his conscience. His belief that "slavery was founded on injustice" was the only reason for his protest. He never hesitated to protest against injustice. The Golden Rule had a place in practical politics. The Sermon on the Mount was not an iridescent dream.

"When he received the order, his dying mother had just summoned him to her. He might, they told him, save her by his presence; and he exclaimed: 'Not to go to my mother would be matricide! "Still, he is gone but he hesitated. I keep my eye upon him continually. These lines will reach Rome at the same time as himself.

I cannot live to return you, in deeds of active merit, compensation for the good you have done me that I know and regret, but in some way I must find a means of acknowledging all I owe you, my dear boy." Here he hesitated a little, and looking from one to the other of the young people standing before him, resumed.

"But I had a feeling that you that you " she hesitated "that you could scarcely be in sympathy with us both," she ended. "I see." Crowther's eyes met hers with absolute directness. "But you realize that that was a mistake," he said. She answered him in the affirmative. Before those straight eyes of his she could not do otherwise. "I could not express my sympathy with you," he said.

His hand shook at this discovery; he hesitated; then, some fine instinct revealing to him that it might contain some hidden charm strong enough to rouse her from her unnatural calm, he touched Portia's shoulder and laid the locket in her hand.

"No, no, only Isabel; she wrote this morning expressing some surprise at not having heard that Margaret was engaged before now. I suppose," Mr. Adair hesitated a little, "I suppose she will marry?" "Reginald, what an idea! Of course Margaret will marry, and marry brilliantly." "I am not so sure of that," said Mr. Adair, who seemed to be in low spirits.

"Well, I've known lovers too humble. I told one so once; he believed me, went in, and won." "You gave him courage, not pride, Mr Tristram." "Perhaps that's true. He's very likely got the pride by now." He smiled at his thoughts of Bob Broadley. "And you've settled down in the new groove?" she asked. He hesitated a moment. "Oh, nearly. Possibly there's still a touch of the 'Desdichado, about me.

And if I have hesitated, or showed any agitation in this interview, attribute it to its real cause the weakness of my health; feebleness of body, not of mind."

At noon, two days later, they stepped out of a heavy stand of spruce into a sun-warmed meadow, where ripe, yellow grasses waved to their horses' knees. Hazel came afoot, a fresh-killed deer lashed across Silk's back. Bill hesitated, as if taking his bearings, then led to where a rocky spur of a hill jutted into the meadow's edge.

I have known many who have applied them to men whom they were all the time hoping to marry. 'I cannot tell about other people, said Molly, 'I only know that Cynthia does Here she hesitated for a moment; she fell for his pain, and so she hesitated; but then she brought it out, 'does as nearly hate you as anybody like her ever does hate.