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"And as long as you love him so well, it doesn't really matter, anyway, does it, whether he's the real Jamie or not?" Mrs. Carew hesitated. Into her eyes crept the old somberness of heartache. "Not so far as he is concerned," she sighed, at last. "It's only that sometimes I get to thinking: if he isn't our Jamie, where is Jamie Kent? Is he well? Is he happy? Has he any one to love him?

I'll make you change the spelling of 'regrets' to 'c-h-e-q-u-e' before I'm done with you." "Have you read the last story I sent you 'The Alarum of the Soul'?" asked Dawe. "Carefully. I hesitated over that story, Shack, really I did. It had some good points. I was writing you a letter to send with it when it goes back to you. I regret " "Never mind the regrets," said Dawe, grimly.

Vantine completed. I hesitated. I was astonished to find, at the back of my mind, a growing doubt. "See here, Lester," Vantine demanded, "if he didn't kill himself, what happened to him?" "Heaven only knows," I answered, in despair. "I've been asking myself the same question, without finding a reasonable answer to it. As I said to Goldberger, it's a blank wall.

And now I needed a nurse no more. The day after I received the letter which announced an inheritance that allowed me to vie with the nobles of Europe, this woman left me, and went back to her tribe." "Have you never seen her since?" Margrave hesitated a moment, and then answered, though with seeming reluctance, "Yes, at Damascus.

He paused and looked down at her for an instant, rather as if he hesitated to say what was in his mind. He did not know that he had already said it. But she knew it, and she smiled at him, understanding and sympathizing. "But you are glad you are on your way back to your work," said she. "So am I." He drew a relieved breath. "Bless you," said he. "I'm glad you are if it's true.

"Robin left me to go to the library ... I am sure of that ..." Mary went on breathlessly. "Why?" her mother asked. The girl hesitated. Then she said slowly: "You and I have always been good pals, Mother, so I may as well tell you. Robin had just asked me to marry him. So I told him I was engaged to Hartley.

She took the letter from its folds and then hesitated. "Mebby," she began breathlessly, "I perhaps I'd better read it to you, Elsie because there's parts, you know, that might sound foolish." She looked at the girl apologetically. "Of course, Arabella, I understand." Elsie pushed the letter back into her hand. "After all, no third person ought to see a love-letter, you know."

He was looking worried, and when he heard Lord Henry's last remark he glanced at him, hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Harry, I want to finish this picture to-day. Would you think it awfully rude of me if I asked you to go away?" Lord Henry smiled, and looked at Dorian Gray. "Am I to go, Mr. Gray?" he asked. "Oh, please don't, Lord Henry.

Even now Professor Phaeton hesitated, his eyes growing dimmer than usual as they rested upon one face after the other, for right well he knew how deadly would be the peril thus invited. But, as the brothers repeated their cry, he turned away to swiftly knot a strong trail-rope to a heavy iron grapnel, leaving the other end firmly attached to a stanchion built for that express purpose.

In anything that is for the good of Miss Trelawny and of course Mr. Trelawny you may be perfectly frank. I take it that we both want to serve them to the best of our powers." He hesitated before replying: "Of course you know that I have my duty to do; and I think you know me well enough to know that I will do it.