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Lapas had whitened to the lips and now stood hesitant. "I don't understand," he stammered. The Spaniard's expression changed swiftly from good humor to the sternness of a taskmaster. "The Duke is impatient," he asserted, "of delays and misunderstandings on the part of his servants. His Grace believed that your memory had been well schooled.

Cathbarr's head was bared, while he had steel cap and jack; but for some reason he felt hesitant at thought of killing this merry giant. "Not so bad," he said, baring his five-foot blade and holding it up against the huge ax. "Not so bad, eh?" Cathbarr burst into a laugh. "It will grieve me to crush your skull, dear man," he rumbled. "What a pair we would make, matched against that Dark Master!

Every blunder into which petty municipal minds could fall when confronted with a wild revolutionary welter, marked the hesitant policy of the British Government. This aimless chaos of soul was the main cause of the woeful waste of our political advantages and enormous resources in the accomplishment of secondary ends which generally led nowhere.

She searched it for clothing, and found nothing. She went through four more dormitory rooms before she came upon anything she could use brief shorts, clearly made for a man, and a loose, white tunic. It wasn't suitable; it wasn't the way she wanted to be dressed when she faced him. But it had to do. Mryna was pawing through a footlocker looking for boots when she heard a hesitant step behind her.

Though he did not want to venture up to the unknown light, he growled, "I will if I want to!" and limped forward. He had to cross the creek, the strange creek whose stepping-stones he did not know. Shivering, hesitant, he stripped off his shoes and stockings and dabbled the edge of the water with reluctant toes, to see if it was cold. It was. "Dog-gone!" he swore, mightily.

At last, the dog got to his feet, stretched himself fore-and-aft, in true collie fashion; and trotted down the paved walk to the road. There for a moment, he stood hesitant. As he stood, he was surveying the scene; not only with his eyes, but with those far stronger sense organs, his ears and his nostrils. His ears told him nothing of interest. His nose told him much.

Perhaps they will be not less observant to me; wherefore bring other veils here enough to bind these ladies two and two." As she seemed hesitant, he added: "Pardon me, but in the streets you must all go afoot, to appearances captives just taken."

She had come, of her own volition. They were utterly alone. Sim Gage, hesitant at the door of his bare-floored tent in the cool dawn, saw smoke arising from the chimney of Wid Gardner's house. From a sense of need he determined to pay Wid a visit. His leg was doing badly. He needed help, and knew it. He hobbled over to the cabin door, where all was silent; knocked, and knocked again, more loudly.

Doris felt the hesitant throb of the pulse and, rising, stepped to the hall and telephoned for the house-surgeon. "Caught it just in time," he said to the nurse as he stepped back and watched the patient react to the powerful heart-stimulant. Pete's breathing became more regular. The surgeon had been gone for a few minutes when Pete's heavy lids opened.

"Louis!" she cried. From the car she had seen the incredible vision of Louis walking down the lane from the house. He and John's Ernest had not noticed each other, nor had Louis noticed that his wife was in the car. Louis stopped now and looked back, hesitant. There he was, with his plastered, pale face all streaked with greyish-white lines! Really Rachel had difficulty in believing her eyes.