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"It was the first time they were ever caught, after old man Hargus had been cutting our fence for years, Mr. Wilson. I can't tell you how much I owe you for humiliating them where they thought the humiliation would be on my side." "Don't you mention it, ma'am; it's the greatest pleasure in the world." "He thought he'd come by the house and look in the window and defy me because I was alone."

Women put their heads out for a moment, plucked curtains aside for one swift survey, vanished behind the safety of walls. At the hitching-rack the two men one of them Tom Hargus, the other unknown stood beside their horses, as if in position according to a previous plan. "We want that man," said Hargus, his hand hovering over his gun. "Come and take him," Lambert invited.

"You're the feller that's come here to teach us fellers to take off our hats when we see a fence," Hargus said, looking meaner with every breath. "You've got it right, pardner," Lambert calmly replied. "Duke of Chimney Butte! Well, pardner, I'm the King of Hotfoot Valley, and I've got travelin' papers for you right here!"

You listen to me and take my orders. That's what you're here to-day for. If you think you can get your wheat somewheres else, suppose you try." Scannel sullenly settled himself in his place. He did not answer. Hargus, his eye wandering again, looked distressfully from one to the other. Then Jadwin, after shuffling among the papers of his desk, fixed a certain memorandum with his glance.

Jadwin took the picture without looking at it, and as he continued to speak, held it in his fingers, and occasionally tapped it upon the desk. "I know. I know, Hargus," he answered. "I got a good deal to say, Mr. David Scannel. Do you see this old man here?" "Oh-h, cut it out!" growled the other. "It's Hargus. You know him very well. You used to know him better.

"No, no. I'll deposit them at once in the Illinois Trust. I shall ask I should like." "I'll send a clerk with you." "Yes, yes, that is about what what I what I was about to suggest. But I must say, Mr. Jadwin " He began to stammer his thanks. But Jadwin cut him off. Rising, he guided Hargus to the door, one hand on his shoulder, and at the entrance to the outer office called a clerk. "Take Mr.

Even at a quarter of a mile he never could mistake her again. The other was Sim Hargus. They had miscalculated in their intention of meeting the train, and were coming in a panic of anxiety. They dismounted at the hotel, and started across. Lambert stood near his prisoner, waiting. Kerr had been sitting on the edge of the platform.

"Son, my brave youth, how far, I beseech thee, is it to the nearest town from here?" Jimmy asked. "On a railroad?" queried the boy, biting off the tip end of the stick of gum and testing its flavor. "Of course. What good is a town that's not on the railroad?" "I guess it's about seven miles to Mountain City up to the north, and about eleven to Hargus. Hargus is down south."

Tom Hargus turned Whetstone to face back the way they had come, threw the reins over the saddle-horn, rode up so close Lambert could feel his breath in his face. "You made me brush off a nigger's hat when you had the drop on me, and carry a post five miles. That's the shoulder I carried it on!" He drove his knife into Lambert's right shoulder with the words. The steel grated on bone.

What had happened to Nick Hargus and his boy, Tom, seemed to prove that they were men of the old school, quite a different type from any who had been employed on that ranch previously. Lambert was troubled to learn that his notoriety had run ahead of him, increasing as it spread.