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That livid face with goggling eyes, stuck to him like a shadow; he always felt its presence, and sometimes, also, could perceive it as if bodily peeping over his shoulder, next his cheek; it dogged him by day, and was his incubus by night; and often he would start and wrestle, for the desperate grasp of the dying appeared to be clutching at his throat: so, in his ghostly fears, and bloody conscience, he had girded round his neck a piece of thin sheet-iron in his cravat, which he wore continually as armour against those clammy fingers: no wonder that he held his head so stiff.

She was the dearest little dog in the world, with a yellow and white silky coat, and a very turned-up nose, and goggling, affectionate dark eyes. She was a gay-tempered little creature, full of playful coaxing ways, and a great pet with everyone; but she was fondest of her mistress, Diana.

For all that he had expected this, for all his premonition of disaster, it was an appreciable time before the Efficient Baxter rallied from the blow. He stood transfixed, goggling at the empty place. Then his mind resumed its functions. All, he perceived, was not yet lost. Baxter the watchdog must retire, to be succeeded by Baxter the sleuthhound.

There are six other estates, the largest half as big as mine, the smallest not much bigger than the largest of my tenant-farms; three are on one side of me and three on the other. You will meet the proprietors at dinner, as I told you. They should be here now." "Goggling country bumpkins?" he conjectured. "Not a bit like that," I countered, "though you would scarcely call them cultured.

All day long, with his monocle goggling glassily from the midst of his face, like one lone porthole in a tank steamer, he disproved this statement by practical methods and promptly at nine every evening, when his complexion had acquired a rich magenta tint, he would be carried below by two accommodating stewards and put no, not put, decanted would be decanted gently into bed.

Bht hwhat, ye goggling, bow-windowed jackass? Go get the wine, and we'll dthrink it together, my old buck. Mr. Perkins. My name, sir, is PERKINS. The Mulligan. Well, that rhymes with jerkins, my man of firkins; so don't let us have any more shirkings and lurkings, Mr. Perkins. Mr. Sir, I am the master of this house; and I order you to quit it. I'll not be insulted, sir.

When she opened the door half timorous, half eager, wholly beside herself he took her in his arms and kissed her, paying no heed to the goggling eyes of childhood or the averted gaze of old age. "But you left no word for me. Did you believe me when I said I would not come back?" "I knew you would come back," she sobbed. "So I came here. I knew you would find me here."

"Dacent folks' houses...." And at that apparently temper cut off her utterance, and she took herself off without more words. I looked about me at the room, the goggling Rowley, the extinguished fire; my mind reviewed the laughable incidents of the day and night; and I laughed out loud to myself lonely and cheerless laughter!...

Then came a morning when the brown mother, babe on arm, was gathering plantains not far from the waterside, while the man chanced to be away exploring the limits of his new domain. The woman looked up suddenly; and there, almost upon her, was the giant horror of the Dinosaur, his cold, expressionless eyes gaping at her immovably from their goggling sockets.

The bill-sticker pushed a piece of bacon into a dry mouth; sat with goggling eyes. The hoarding continued: "I have here this person's reference. It is good." "Down shot the piece of bacon; convulsively bolted like Miss Porter's sweet. "Good!" cried George. "I said good. For faulty articulation I apologise." "I know, I heard. I meant that I am pleased." "Strive to express the meaning.