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Ah! sir, you have revenged yourself on two weak women may Heaven forgive you!" The notary turned on his heel. The poor baroness, all whose pride the iron law, with its iron gripe, had crushed into dismay and terror, appealed to him.

As Parpon the dwarf said you remember him, a wise little man, that Parpon as he said one day, 'For everything you lose you get something, if only how to laugh at yourself." Armand nodded thoughtfully and answered: "You are right you and Parpon. But I cannot forgive myself; he was so fine a man: tall, with a grand look, and a tongue like a book. Yes, yes, I can laugh at myself for a fool."

Then, springing up from his seat, he clasped Amos to him, and said, in a voice almost choked by his feelings, "My dear, noble boy! and I have misunderstood, and undervalued, and treated you with harshness and coldness all this time! Can you forgive your unworthy father?" Poor Amos! Such a speech from his father almost stunned him for the moment.

'Yet your mother-in-law told me the other day that you had been such a marvellous wife to him. That you had even made sacrifices. You have never had anything to forgive, surely? 'Oh no, never, hastily said Edith, fearing that Mrs Ottley was a little inclined to be indiscreet.

It was not the young lord only who had given way to the softness of the moment. If evil had been done, she had done it; and it seemed as though evil had certainly been done. If much evil had been done, how could she forgive herself? And what were Marion's thoughts? Did she feel that an evil had been done, an evil for which there could never be a cure found?

I love them all; but, oh! what hellish spirit ever took possession of me I know not; but, oh! John, forgive me, take me back, and though they discard me, remember I am your wife.

At night, in the room of Henry VIII., I dreamed I saw Anne Boleyn, with Ellaline's face, which smiled at me, the lips saying: "I'll forgive you, if you'll forgive me." I hope that's a good omen?

If we can be permitted to remain until her marriage takes place, it may perhaps bring about a feeling more like relations; and I shall be able to " "Forgive you," Lucy was about to say, but fortunately stopped herself in time; for it was the fact of his existence that she had to forgive, and naturally such an amount of toleration was difficult to explain.

But I have learned much to-day that will stand me in great stead, should I ever be in command of a flotilla of submarines in war time." "Then I suppose I ought to forgive myself for my recklessness," laughed Jack. "You want to forget it, Benson. The thing you want to remember is that men who serve in navies sign their lives away when they enter the service.

I have not willed that any soul shall be lost through hate of me. If they have but fancied that I wronged them I have lain down on the ground before them that they might tread on me, and so, seeing my humiliation, forgive and not be lost through hating me; they have not cared that my soul should be lost; they have not willed to save me; they have not tried that I should forgive them!