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"Here is my hand, George, bid me good-night, and like a good fellow go at once, and I forgive you." "Dismiss Trevalyon first, I am an older friend than he," he answered sulkily. "I shall not; this is my boudoir, and, thank fate, I am my own mistress." "Then, by the stars, I stir not one inch!"

Then Miss Josephine spoke harshly to me, and asked me how I dared do such a thing, and bring disgrace upon their house and family; and her mother threatened to send me to jail, which frightened me so that I promised to do anything in the world if they would forgive me. 'Will you do any thing we command you to do, if we forgive you? asked Mrs. Franklin; and I said that I would.

I followed her into the church; but, unable to hold out during the mass, I left her there and hastily returned to sketch this sublime example of the hideous before any of its points had faded from my memory. Forgive me, father, for yielding to an impulse so strong as to overwhelm all power of resistance.

The one cry, ever and always, from both parent and child, has been, "If I had only known, I should have been less heedless, but now it's too late, too late! O God! forgive me for Christ's sake." Does the bird with the broken pinion ever soar as high again? Only through Christ, the precious Redeemer of souls, the Great Physician.

It is a trouble that has come on us all; you have more to bear than I have and you gave him up, when you did what it must have been very hard to do." They were silent again a little while, sitting with clasped hands, and cheeks leaned together. "Lucy," Maggie began again, "he struggled too. He wanted to be true to you. He will come back to you. Forgive him he will be happy then "

"Oh! forgive me, forgive me; I didn't mean it." Mark knelt down by the chair, tears were flowing from the blind eyes. Canon Nicholls belonged to a generation whose emotions were kept under stern control; the tears would have come more naturally from Mark.

"Hush!" exclaimed a member of the gentleman's suite, "that is Count Schouvaloff." "I'll forgive him that," said Larry, "if he won't shuffle off this seat," Pointing to my companion. Larry asked me: "What is that gintleman's business?" "He is a teacher of singing," I answered. "Faith," said Larry, "I'd like to have him try my voice. There is something very strange about my vocal chords.

That he should lord it over her as a real husband, was necessary to his happiness, and how can a man be a real lord over a woman when he has had to confess his fault to her, and to beg her to forgive him? A wife's position with her husband may be almost improved by such asking for pardon. It will enhance his tenderness.

And, mother, I even told Him it wasn't much of a place to live in. He talked to me about Bob. He said you knew Him. I saw him cure a little bird. And oh, mother, He said He would be with me always. He is a little boy like me! I know what to do now. He showed me. I must find Bob; I must have him forgive me. I want to bring him home with me into my bed for to-night." He stopped.

"Miss Elliott, forgive me. I did not mean to intrude. I met your brother and mine by chance, and I came with them. You must not think that I " "Thank you, you are very kind." Graeme was trembling greatly and sat down, but rose again immediately. "You are very kind," repeated she, scarcely knowing what she said. "Graeme," said Mr Ruthven, "you must let me help you in this matter.