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We have to save the honor of the house of Fromont, which alone is at stake, which alone fills my thoughts at this moment." Sigismond put out his hand. "You are a noble man, Risler. Forgive me for having suspected you." Risler pretended not to hear him. "A hundred thousand francs to pay, you say? How much is there left in the strong-box?"

She wept unrestrainedly when Billy bade her a bluff and friendly farewell, and he was practically driven from the room by Isabel; who then returned to her charge, gathered her close in her arms, and sat with her so, rocking her gently till gradually her agitation subsided. "Do forgive me!" Dinah murmured at last, clinging round her neck.

And what has made you so cold and distant, as if you were taking your affection away?" "I was I was Heaven forgive me! I was learning to live without you; to go back to a life more solitary than it was before you came. And, Cynthia, you were not altogether a welcome guest. I did not know what to do with a little girl. I was set in my ways. I did not like to be disturbed.

That is, not in sight, and Uncle Joseph was not the sort of man to have such a thing put away in his desk as a souvenir, or for any other reason." "Forgive the insinuation, but of course you could not know positively that Mr. Crawford would not have a feminine souvenir in his desk." She looked up surprised.

Go and see it, and then judge whether I have told you more than the truth." "Forgive my ignorance," replied the African magician; "I arrived here but yesterday, and came from the farthest part of Africa, where the fame of this palace had not reached when I came away.

Her eyes looked so tender; and soft, and loving that he turned away impatiently; he knew quite well how it would be; she would beg and entreat him to forgive his little daughter when she heard, and when she looked as bright and beautiful as she did just now he could refuse her nothing. He stood in profound meditation for a minute or two. "What is it you want, John?" she said.

Pepys, begging God to forgive him for having an appetite at such a crisis, and interrupting his laughter at the supper they gave him, with tears of pity and terror, had brought word to his Majesty that the whole city would be destroyed, if some of the houses were not blown up.

Deep in her heart she hoped that he would eventually want her to forgive him his treachery. She would give him a good, hard fight she would show him that she was mistress of the situation. She would force him to respect her as a foe; after that Andy Green was human, certainly.

I have been specially directed by the authorities to allow no man to make further experiments alone." Vergilio Mannetti showed a trace of testiness. "Forgive me, but your mind moves without its usual agility, my friend. Have I not told you everything? What matters Scotland Yard, seeing that it is entirely in the dark, while I have the light?

Then I believe more firmly that there is a supreme goodness and an infinite pity; I love you more, I work with more ardor, I endure with more force, I forgive with all my heart, and I think of death with serenity. O great and good God!