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Amy looked half-fearfully at Stella, for she thought she would be annoyed at the girl's persistence; but, to her surprise, Stella read the paper through with apparent interest. 'Rent, £34; taxes, £12; food, £90; firing and gas, £20; servant, £12; washing, £12, extras, £20 total, £200, she read out. 'That's only the summary of it; here are the details.

Well if I started in fer ter tell what she MOST needs I reckon you'd be scart nigh ter death. She needs everythin' an' seems like I can't git nothin'." "Well what did you hope to get for her?" asked Peggy, making a random shot. "Why she needs some shoes pretty bad, an' the doctor said she ought ter have nourishin' things ter eat, but, somehow, we can't seem ter git many extras."

She is never still, and she fidgits right through her clothes." "That is $83.33 1/3 cents a month. Make it thirty four cents. But no bills, Barbara." "And no extras," my mother observed, in a stern tone. "Candy, tennis balls and matinee tickets?" I asked. "All included," said father. "And Church collection also, and ice cream and taxicabs and Xmas gifts." Ah, me! How happy I was!

In the morning Letema escorted us down to Aaschen, which was the nearest large town. A Belgian and a Holland lady, hearing of the escaped English prisoners, met us within twenty minutes of our arrival, took us in hand and loaded us down with kindnesses. We ate only five full sized meals that day, not counting the extras we absorbed between them. And there were more cigars.

When the Maine sank in Havana harbor and the word "war" was appearing hourly in hysterical extras, Miss Armitage explained her position. "You mustn't think," she said, "that I am one of those silly girls who would beg you not to go to war."

And if any one does not take the extras, of course he is charged more: Bain, 25 C. Pas de bain, 50 C. Cigarette dans la chambre a coucher, 10 C. pour chaque cigarette. Pas de cigarette dans la chambre a coucher, 20 C. pour chaque cigarette. This is the system at all good hotels. If Reggie comes, of course he will pay a little more: I cannot forget that he gave me a dressing-case.

But I don't write the factories as if they were pickpockets, and as if these errors were intentional. In thirty years' experience I never knew a house refuse to correct an error, and while I want all my discounts and extras to which I am entitled, I don't want one cent more than that. If I do not pay bills when due I expect to be drawn on, and have to pay the cost of the draft.

I knew well enough what a dog-life a wife of mine would have to lead jest enough to keep body and soul together, an' no extras an' I wa'n't goin' to drag her into it, an' I didn't. I knew just how she'd strain, an' work her pretty fingers to the bone to try to keep up.

If the correspondent is successful, the better service he renders the reader. The more he is permitted to see at the front, the more news he is allowed to cable home, the better satisfied should be the man who follows the war through the "extras." But what happens is the reverse of that. Never is the "constant reader" so delighted as when the war correspondent gets the worst of it.

Putting down the plate of soup, he came back to the stove and poured out a cup of feeble-looking coffee. "Goin' to be extras out to-night and I mightn't get back till after ten." Again his gay little smile lighted his thin face. "Ifen I don't eat now I mightn't eat at all. Have one?"