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The next day was Xmas. I got a lot of things, including the necklace, and a mending basket from Sis, with the hope that it would make me tidey, and father had bought me a set of Silver Fox, which mother did not approve of, it being too expencive for a young girl to wear, according to her. I must say that for an hour or two I was happy enough. But the afternoon was terrable.

The motto is a trifle bombastic and suggests the Teutonic superlative; "So bigger as never vas," and the "Xmas 1898" reads like the advertisement of a department store: "Gents pants for Xmas gifts."

"Not if I can help it," I said, looking straight ahead. Hannah had dropped a stocking not her own. One of the Xmas favors and was fumbling about for it. "You are tired and unerved to-night, Bab. When I have seen your father tomorrow, and talked to him " "Don't you dare to see my father."

It was Xmas afternoon when I left the trenches, and the next day at 5 o'clock, still muddy and carrying my pack and rifle, I stumbled off the train at Victoria Station, and in twenty minutes I was at home, telling my old dad the tale that I have told you. Of those ten short wild days in London I won't speak, but it was like getting to heaven after being in hell.

But the sun has gone out to sea clean gone. We never see it. But we manage to feel our way about. A poor photograph goes to you for Xmas a poor thing enough surely. But you get Uncle Bob busy on the job of paying for an Ambassador's house. Then we'll bring Christmas presents home for you.

On Christmas Day 49 children and grandchildren and some great-grandchildren gave me a Xmas dinner and one hundred dollars for Xmas. I am happy with all the comforts of a poor person not dependant on any one else for tomorrow". Maryland Dec. 13, 1937 Rogers

Secret councils were held as to the Xmas gifts to be given to everyone, white and black. The woodpile was loaded with oak and hickory logs to make bright and warm the Christmas nights. The negro seamstresses were busy making: new suits for all the servants."

Many a winning story of "way down upon de ole plantation" has been truthfully told. Will S. Hays has immortalized it in song. A Southern writer has thus portrayed the Xmas time: "For weeks beforehand everything was full of stir and preparation. Holly and mistletoe and cedar were being put about the rooms of the big house to welcome home the boys and girls from school.

"On Xmas there was a big tree for all the soldiers who could walk and then there were a lot of little trees all arranged with presents for each room where the soldiers could not leave their beds. It was said in the morning that nothing would be done on Xmas no dressings, nothing, and I never worked so hard!

The most extraordinary people come to me for the most extraordinary things. Now for a bottle of medicine, now for some cast off clothing, now for writing paper and old newspapers or a few tacks. So we have many wants to relieve besides our own and really, that is good for us you know. One Xmas dinner was an amusing one.