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"Very easily," smiled Jimmie Dale; "and, to use your own expression, very adequately by remaining here, say, three minutes after I have left." He caught the colonel's hand in his and wrung it hard and then, with a "Goodnight!" flung over his shoulder, Jimmie Dale was gone.

The tendency has been of late to fall back on these attractive parts of the argument, which admit of such varied handling and expression, and come home so naturally to the feelings of an age so busy and so keen in pursuing the secrets of human character, and so fascinated with its unfolding wonders.

It has been estimated that every couple should have four children if the nation's population is to be maintained. But we meet already the facile and complacent expression of young married people, "Now we have our four children and so have fulfilled our obligations" What superficiality! Today we must demand a much higher moral attitude from the wife than previously.

"Now with regard to the value of the expression, 'it is written, it may be remarked that in no case could its use, in the Epistle of Barnabas, indicate more than individual opinion, and it could not, for reasons to be presently given, be considered to represent the opinion of the Church. W. Sanday, p. 73.

They are the expression of diverse moods and emphatically of different stages of mental progress, the later, as a rule, more negative than the earlier. This change is most marked in the sphere of politics.

The president of the Great B. railway system laid down the letter he had just reread three times, and turned about in his chair with an expression of extreme annoyance. "I wish it were possible," he said, slowly, "to find one boy or man in a thousand who would receive instructions and carry them out to the letter without a single variation from the course laid down.

"Though he was always reserved in the expression of religious feeling, still it has been very apparent, for several years, that his thoughts dwelt much upon his practical religious duties, and especially upon preparation for another world.

Miss Helen Dartmoor sat bolt upright, her lips firmly compressed, and a disapproving expression in her eyes; but Miss Helen Dartmoor did not count. It was Sir John, whose eyes followed his favorite with keener and keener appreciation and admiration; it was Mrs. Clavering; it was also most of the girls themselves, for beyond doubt Kitty was the favorite.

The Indian looked intently at the timid and charming young creature, who came forward thus to contribute to his comforts, and the saddened expression of his countenance deepened. He was fatigued and hungry, and he ate for some time without speaking, beyond uttering a brief expression of his thanks.

This is the only bon Dieu. Though there are many people who live as if this were their sentiment, there are few who give it such brutal expression; but some of the people at the corner of the street laughed too. 'Bravo, Jacques! they cried; and one said, 'You are right, mon ami, the only god to trust in nowadays. 'It is a short credo, M. le Maire, said another, who caught my eye.