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"But times have altered, Master Jeppe; knee-straps and respect have given out; yes, those days are over! Begin at seven, and at six off and away! So it is in the big cities!" "Is that this sosherlism?" says Jeppe disdainfully. "It's all the same to me what it is Garibaldi begins and leaves off when it pleases him! And if he wants more for his work he asks for it!

Among the old poets, or among those whom both the present age and posterity will disdainfully reject? He may fairly be placed among the ancients, who is younger either by a short month only, or even by a whole year. Is not Naevius in people's hands, and sticking almost fresh in their memory? So sacred is every ancient poem.

The landlord sniffed disdainfully at the mention of our passports, and I am sure that we should not have been asked for them at all, had not one of the officials, who chanced to be less wilted by the intense heat than his fellows, they had been gazing lazily at us, singly and in battalions, in the intervals of their rigorous idleness, for the last four and twenty hours, suddenly taken a languid interest in us about one hour before our departure.

Homer is the creator of the material poetry, Aeschylus of the intellectual. The corporeal and animal sufferings of the Titan in the epic hell become exalted by tragedy into the portrait of moral fortitude defying physical anguish. The Prometheus of Aeschylus is the spirit of a god disdainfully subjected to the misfortunes of a man.

"It does not concern you, monsieur; it is the king. They wish to carry him off." "Oh! again that old story," replied the duke, disdainfully. "This time the thing is serious, M. le Duc." "On what day do they intend to do it?" "The first time that his majesty goes to Vincennes in his litter." "How will they do it?" "By killing his two attendants." "And who will do it?" "Madame de Montpensier."

She took her trouble to her father. "You are sorry we have been beaten?" she said excitedly. "Yes, pussy, very sorry. I still think we shall be sorry that Clay isn't President." "I'm sorry all the time. And when he was so good and splendid, why didn't they put him in?" "Well, a great many people think Mr. Polk just as splendid." "Oh, the Democrats!" she commented disdainfully.

"Perhaps you don't like the Passion Play," said Madame Dauphin disdainfully. "We ain't through with it yet," said the death's-head groom. "It is a pious and holy mission," said Madame Dauphin. "Even that Jo Portugais worked night and day till he went away to Montreal, and he always goes to Mass now. He's to take Pontius Pilate when he comes back.

"Unwelcome I know I am," replied Lovisa, disdainfully noting the terror of Britta and the astonished glances if Errington and his friends "unwelcome at all times, but most unwelcome at the hour of feasting ad folly, for who can endure to receive a message from the Lord when the mouth is full of savory morsels, and the brain reels with the wicked wine? Yet I have come in spite of your iniquities.

"There you have me," he said, with a large and helpless gesture, "I am not worth two of your most trivial words. I am a common rude soldier that has not, as it were, seen you till a moment ago, and when I was at your at your lips, I should have been at your shoes." She laughed disdainfully a little. "Don't do that," said he, "you make me mad."

Not that I'd like him to suffer too much, you know; but for Johnny's sake I wanted him to be nabbed." "Yes, it's all off now," admitted Lil Artha. "Of course, after that row they wouldn't be silly enough to come again for another try?" suggested Toby. "Huh! that ole trap ain't no good after that mess," grunted Johnny, disdainfully. "I reckons as how I'll hev tuh think up sum other kind.