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Autumn, 387. Conf. 1, 6, 3; x, 27; x, 20. Conf. xi, 13. Die Soziallehren der christlichen Kirchen und Gruppen, 1912, pp. 263-5. De Fide, Disp. xix, 7, 10; xx, 107, 194. Cognosci Te Stesso, 1912, pp. 144-7. From the syllabus of all the lectures in this course I gather that every lecturer on the programme is dealing with the question of moral progress. This is inevitable.

Besides the many hints of reference to this in the Confessions, see the phrenetic Letters to Sarah, printed in the Mélanges, pp. 347-360. Conf., ix. 337. Corr., i. 398. Sept. 4, 1757. To Madame d'Houdetot. Corr., i. 376-387. June 1757. Saint Lambert to Rousseau, from Wolfenbuttel, Oct. 11, 1757. Streckeisen-Moultou, i. 415. Streckeisen-Moultou, i. 412. May 6, 1768. Conf., x. 15. Ib. x. 22.

See Rousseau's note to her, Corr., i. 178. Conf., viii. 190. Conf., viii. 183. Conf., viii. 202; and Musset-Pathay, ii. 439. When in Strasburg, in 1765, he could not bring himself to be present at its representation. Oeuv. et Corr. Inéd., p. 434. Madame de Staël insisted that her father said this, and Necker insisted that it was his daughter's. Corr., i. 176. Feb. 13, 1753. Conf., viii. 208-210.

On the development of this form of indulgence see Lea, Hist. of Conf. and Indulg., III, 131-194, 234-195, and Gottlog, Kreuzablass und Almosenablass, pp. 195-254. See Thesis 12. For Luther's opinion of this distinction, see the Discourse Concerning Confession elsewhere in the present volume.

"Oh, great Scott, isn't it possible to get such a simple thing through your head? Now look here let me illustrate. We pay four cents for a woman's stuff gown, you pay 8.4.0, which is four mills more than double. What do you allow a laboring woman who works on a farm?" "Two mills a day." "Very good; we allow but half as much; we pay her only a tenth of a cent a day; and " "Again ye're conf "

May I never see him again; he would make me believe in devils and hell." And thus the unhappy man who had began this episode in his life with confident ecstasy in the glories and clear music of spring, ended it looking out from a narrow chamber upon the sullen crimson of the wintry twilight and over fields silent in snow, with the haggard desperate gaze of a lost spirit. Conf., ix. 230.

Maii, et se fide et sacramento non fracto ibi in unam et simul confœderare, et consolidare sicut conjurati fratres ad defendendum regnum contra alienigenas et contra inimicos, unâ cum domino suo rege, et terras et honores illius omni fidelitate cum eo servare, et quod illi ut domino suo regi intra et extra regnum universum Britanniæ fideles esse volunt LL. Ed. Conf. c. 35.

She died on July 30, 1762, aged "about sixty-three years." Arthur Young, visiting Chambéri in 1789, with some trouble procured the certificate of her death, which may be found in his Travels, i. 272. See a letter of M. de Conzié to Rousseau, in M. Streckeisen-Moultou's collection, ii. 445. Conf., xii. 233. Conf., viii. 210. Gaberel's Rousseau et les Genevois, p. 62. Conf., viii. 212.

For a full description of the oldest funerary chapel known, that of King Sneferû, see W.M.F. Petrie's Medum. Conf. Mr. Petrie's plan of this temple in Pyramids and Temples of Gizeh, Plate VI. A.B.E. That is to say, the wall is vertical on the inside; but is built much thicker at the bottom than at the top, so that on the outside it presents a sloping surface, retiring with the height of the wall.

"Which, if it is agreeable, we are at home to Captain Hunken this evening," Mrs Bowldler began, in a panting hurry, and continued with a catch of the breath, "Which if you see it in a different light, I must request of you, sir, to allow Palmerston to carry down my box, and you may search it if you wish." "Oh! Conf " began Cai in his turn, and checked himself.