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If Rousseau had found no neater expression for his doctrine than this, the Social Contract would assuredly have been no explosive. See especially ch. viii. See Diderot's article on Hobbisme in the Encyclopædia, Oeuv., xv. 122. Esprit des Lois, I. i. Cont. Soc., II. vi. 50. Goguet has the merit of seeing distinctly that command is the essence of law. Cont. Soc., II. vi. 51-53.

Oeuv., lxvii. 458, 459, 485, etc. To D'Alembert, Sept. 15, 1762. Moultou to Rousseau, Streckeisen, i. 85, 87. Moultou to Rousseau, Streckeisen, i. 85, 87. Streckeisen, i. 50. Ib., i. 76. Lettre

The style and manner are praised by Beaumarchais himself, who, in his private quarrel, attempted a reply; but he flatters me, by ascribing the memoir to Lord Stormont; and the grossness of his invective betrays the loss of temper and of wit; he acknowledged, Oeuv. de Beaumarchais, iii. 299, 355, that le style ne seroit pas sans grace, ni la logique sans justesse, &c. if the facts were true which he undertakes to disprove.

Letter to Hume; Burton's Life of Hume, ii. 105, corroborating Conf., xii. 196. Marischal to J.J.R.; Streckeisen, ii. 70. Corr., iii. 40. Nov. 1, 1762. Burton's Life, ii. 113. Voltaire's Corr. . Oeuv., lxxv. pp. 31 and 80. Conf., xii. 237. Corr., iii. 41. Nov. 11, 1762. Corr., iii. 38. Oct. 30, 1762. Ib., iii. 110-115. Jan. 28, 1763. Bernardin de St. Pierre, xii. 103, 59, etc.

Lettres Péruviennes. Oeuv., ii. 785-794. Corr. Lit., iii. 65. Emile, I. 27. It is interesting to recall a similar movement in the Roman society of the second century of our era. See the advice of Favorinus to mothers, in Aulus Gellius, xii. 1.

So too Bougainville, a brother of the navigator, said in 1760, "For an attentive observer who sees nothing in events of the utmost diversity of appearance but the natural effects of a certain number of causes differently combined, Greece is the universe in small, and the history of Greece an excellent epitome of universal history." Doutes sur l'Ordre Naturel; Oeuv., xi. 80. La Législation, I. i.

Emile, IV. 181, 182. In this letter he asks also, with the same magnanimous security as the Savoyard Vicar, "of what concern the destiny of the wicked can be to him." Emile, IV. 241, 242. Emile, IV. 243. Condorcet's Progrès de l'Esprit Humain . Oeuv., vi. 276.

Philosophique de l'Académie de Prusse, i. 281, and ii. 278. Condorcet did not actually compete for the prize, but he wrote a very acute piece, suggested by the theme, which was printed in 1790. Oeuv. v. 343. Some of the reasoning is almost verbally identical with Condorcet's.

Streckeisen-Moultou, i. 381-383. Ib. 387. Many years after, Rousseau told Bernardin de St. The sources of all this are in the following places. Corr., i. 416. Oct. 29. Streckeisen, i. 349. Nov. 12. Conf., ix. 377. Corr., i. 427. Nov. 23. Conf., ix. 381. Dec. 1. Ib., ix. 383. Dec. 17. Diderot to Grimm; D'Epinay, ii. 397. Diderot's Oeuv., xix. 446. See also 449 and 210.

A corroboration of the statement that Hume knew nothing of the letter until he was in England, may be inferred from what he wrote to Madame de Boufflers; Burton, ii. 306, and n. 2. Bernardin de St. Pierre, Oeuv., xii. 79. To Adam Smith. Burton, 380. Burton, 381. A very common but random opinion traces Rousseau's insanity to certain disagreeable habits avowed in the Confessions.