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Craik, I swear I would put this" he held up the cheque "into the fire." "I thank you," said Christopher gravely, and just then Caw came in. "And now farewell." It was dusky in the room when Caw brought tea to his master. Fitful gleams from the fire touched the latter's face, which had grown haggard. The Green Box was open again.

There they stand in thousands, the sturdy Scots, colonizing the desert in spite of frost, and gales, and barrenness; and clustering together, too, as Scotsmen always do abroad, little and big, every one under his neighbour's lee, according to the good old proverb of their native land, 'Caw me, and I'll caw thee. I respect them, those Scotch firs.

Harvie, will be here at noon, and as he may have fuller information than I can give, I was wondering if you would not care to hear him first. Indeed, Mr. Alan, I think it would be worth your while to wait, I could tell you a good deal, but my master did not tell me everything, though I have sometimes thought he meant to tell me more " "Very well, Caw. I'll ask only one question for the present.

The next morning the very first thing the Twins did was to rush out to the field and there, right on top of the scarecrow were three black crows, and more were on the ground eating up the seed! "After all we did, just look at them!" cried Dion. "Caw, caw," screamed the crows. "You don't suppose Father made a mistake, and wrote a blessing instead of a curse on that amulet?" said Daphne anxiously.

"Only if some one dashes the glass from his hand, or tells of the danger; but if he tells he will become marble up to his waist. Caw, caw!" "Caw, caw!" said the third raven. "There is still another danger. On the wedding night a dreadful dragon will creep into the bridal chamber and kill both King and Princess.

"And yet it's not impudence, either. He's just fine, is that lad." It was perhaps well he had been prepared or he might have been startled. When the bedroom door was opened a large crow, which seemed quite at home perched on the high back of a carven chair, announced the entrance of a visitor by saying "Caw Caw" quite loudly. In spite of Mrs. Medlock's warning, Mr.

What applies to the interjections applies with even greater force to the sound-imitative words. Such words as "whippoorwill," "to mew," "to caw" are in no sense natural sounds that man has instinctively or automatically reproduced. They are just as truly creations of the human mind, flights of the human fancy, as anything else in language.

So he had the spirit order them to give the white men their horses and turn them loose instanter; and just as he got all through, off went the thing with a big flap and a parting caw on its own account. I wish I could tell it as Morgan does you'd think he was a bird and an Indian rolled together. He's a great actor spoiled, that lad."

If the box is still in the house, we must find and take it; if elsewhere, we must make other plans. But I'm pretty sure it has not gone to a bank or safe deposit. Christopher meant it to remain in the house, so that it should be part of his gift to Alan." "Caw will be on the alert." "He will not expect a second attempt all at once. Hang it, man, we must take risks!

'Ruffle your feathers, said that grim old Solomon, and Peter tried most desperately hard to ruffle his feathers, but he had none. Then he rose up, quaking, and for the first time since he stood on the window ledge, he remembered a lady who had been very fond of him. 'I think I shall go back to mother, he said timidly. 'Good-bye, replied Solomon Caw with a queer look. But Peter hesitated.