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Now, Captain Bridgeman, Mr Flat may not be very clever, but I believe him to be a very worthy young man; still one must be cautious, and what I wish to know before I interfere and persuade my daughter to marry him is, whether you think that Mr Flat is of a disposition which would make the marriage state a happy one; for you see, Captain Bridgeman, love before marriage is very apt to fly away, but love that comes after marriage will last out your life."

The neighbours perceiving how ill he was, led him out of the school-rooms into his own apartment, one going for a doctor, and the others telling the boys they might all go home, a notice of which they gladly availed themselves. I need hardly say, that I made all the haste I could to communicate the successful result of my trick to Milly and Captain Bridgeman.

So good of you to come. At this moment Lady Enid nipped her friend's arm, and Sir Tiglath exclaimed, looking from Mrs. Bridgeman to the Prophet, "What, madam? So you're the brain and eye, eh? Is that it?" The guitars engaged in "The Gipsies of Granada are wild as mountain birds," and Mrs. Bridgeman looked engagingly distraught, and replied, "Ah, yes, indeed!

"Yes, and from a midshipman you may rise to be a post-captain, or admiral, a much greater rank than I shall ever obtain," said Captain Bridgeman; "so take my advice, and do as your mother wishes; be very civil and respectful to Captain Delmar, and he may be as good as a father to you." "That's not saying much," replied I, thinking of my father Ben; "I'd rather have two mothers than two fathers."

Bridgeman and a thickset, red-faced lady, without a waist and plainly clad in untrimmed linsey-wolsey, who was speaking authoritatively to a hysterical-looking young girl, upon whose narrow shoulder she rested a heavy, fat-fingered hand as she walked. "Harriet's evidently going to demonstrate," added Lady Enid. "That's lucky, because then I can get a quiet word with Towle."

"It would never do for you to leave us, Miss Amelia," replied Captain Bridgeman, "there are but few attractions in this place, and we cannot spare you; the whole corps would go into deep mourning." "I don't want to leave the school," interrupted I; "I would not leave it till I am revenged, for all the world. Now, I'll tell you what I want to do and do it I will, if he cuts me to pieces.

It was the night when Mistresses Dunord and Bridgeman were due, and Anne followed Jane Humphreys to her room, asking a little about the duties of the morrow. "We must be dressed before seven," said the girl. "One of us will be left on duty while the others go to Mass. I am glad you are a Protestant, Miss Woodford, for the Catholics put everything on me that they can."

Bridgeman?" "Oh, quite." "She's done a great deal for me, more than I can ever repay." "Indeed." "Yes, in introducing me to the real inner circles of idiotcy. Well, in return, I've sworn " "You too!" "What do you mean?" "Oh, nothing. I beg your pardon. Please go on." She looked at him curiously, and continued. "I've sworn that is, pledged my honour, you know " "I know! I know!"

The Prophet turned pale, and Lady Enid, who was just behind him, put on her most sensible expression and moved quickly forward. "Ah, Sir Tiglath!" she said. "How delightful of you to come! Catherine, dear, let me introduce Sir Tiglath Butt to you. Sir Tiglath Butt Mrs. Vane Bridgeman." Mrs. Bridgeman behaved as usual. "So glad!" she said. "So enchanted! Just a few interesting people.

It appeared that, as the death of Ben had removed the great difficulty to my aunt's being married to an officer, my grandmother had resolved to ascertain the intentions of Captain Bridgeman, and if she found that he cried off, to persuade Milly to consent to become Mrs Flat. Whether she consulted my mother or my aunt on this occasion, I cannot positively say, but I rather think not.