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The attention of the fox, meanwhile, had been attracted by a sound from the woods on his right. So it was that the skunk reached the ridge before the second thief was aware of his presence. A slight sound caused the fox to turn quickly and the two stood eyeing each other belligerently across the body of the duck.

"The tenderfoot" he referred to Bartley "is he goin' along with you?" "He ain't so tender as you might think," said Cheyenne. "He's green, but not so dam' tender." "Well, it's right sad. He looks like a pretty decent hombre." "What's sad?" queried Cheyenne belligerently. "Why, gettin' that tenderfoot all shot up, trailin' a couple of twenty-dollar cayuses. They ain't worth it." "They ain't, eh?"

Hippy sighed dolefully. "Then I would never have been obliged when out on these excursions to humbly beg for crumbs to sustain my failing strength till such time as you slow-pokes saw fit to eat." "Don't I always give you things to eat when everyone else laughs at you?" demanded Nora belligerently. "Yes, my noble benefactor," whined Hippy, "but you didn't to-day."

"Nev' mind," grunted his father. "There'll be a change before next Fall." "There'd better be or I don't go back for my last year at school. Now, you can bet on that!" cried Marty, belligerently. "Hi tunket! I'd jest as soon be taught by an old maid after all as Adams." Differently expressed, the whole town seemed of a mind regarding the school and the failure of Mr. Adams.

"So, that's it, eh?" Teddy nodded again. "Did you give out any such information as that?" Teddy shook his head. "Who did?" "I won't tell. You can't make me tell," retorted the Circus Boy belligerently. "But you were responsible for the rumor getting out?" Teddy did not answer. "And those poor fellows are lying there on the siding, twenty miles from the nearest telegraph office?" "I guess so."

"And why shouldn't he?" asked Tyke belligerently. "He's been with me for some years now, and I've had plenty of chances of sizin' him up. If there was a yellow streak in him, I'd have found it out long ago. If I'd had a son of my own, I wouldn't have asked for him to be any better fellow than Allen is, and nobody could say any more'n that.

I sort of forgot," grinned the reckless one, obeying with alacrity and looking sheepish. "But you know there's two thundering big tarantulas out there fighting like blazes. You ought to see 'em jump! It's a sort of a leap-frog fight, Red." "Fool!" snorted Mr. Connors belligerently. "You'd 'a' jumped if one of them slugs had 'a' got you!

If you're quarantined I don't see what we can do." "The idea! You can at least come in." "If you go in, you can't come out," belligerently declared the watchman. "Them's orders." "Oh-h! You monster!" cried his prisoner. "She says herself she's got it," the man explained. "I never did!" Myra Nell wrung her hands. "Will you stand there and let me perish? Do you refuse to save me?"

Unconsciously he pushed his hat forward over one eye, drew back his lips in a fighting grin, stepped down off the low doorsill with a lurch that nearly sent him sprawling and went weaving belligerently toward a group of five men whose attitude was anything but conciliatory. "Casey Ryan! I'm dogged if it ain't Casey!" exclaimed a familiar voice in the group, whereat the others looked astonished.

Miss Jinny gave a snort of defiance. "Just you wait till this month is over, Patricia Louise Kendall," she said belligerently. "I'll be back in that old rut so tight you won't be able to see where I ran in again. Not go back to housekeeping with mama, indeed!