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He stamps down and hides within the deep recesses of his heart the "care" that the wild entreaties of the woman he loved arouse within him; the life that had swung for an hour out of its course returns to its old bearings; once more Italy and his destiny become aim and fatherland, "hic amor, hæc patria est."

Both the oil for lubricating the bearings and the water for cooling the cylinders were circulated by pumps, and all parts of the valve gear, etc., were completely enclosed for protection from dust.

Then I took my bearings as well as I could, re-loaded my pistols, and marched into the woods, keeping to the course of the little river. As I went I remember that always a little ahead I seemed to hear the merry lilt of Ringan's whistling. As I stumbled through the moonlit forest I heard Ringan's tunes ever crooning among the trees.

The next day, all indecision gone, I rode to Queensborough to ascertain, if so I might, how best to throw the weight of the good old Andrea into the patriot scale, meaning to push on thence to Charlotte when I had got the bearings of the nearest patriot force. 'Twas none so easy to learn what I needed to know; though, now I sought for information, a curious thing or two developed.

Wigram that lived in them times down at Moultry, and had sarved, like the Captain here, in the king's navy in his day; and early of a morning down he comes to the town for a boat, sayin' he was looking towards Snakes Island through his spyin'-glass, and he seen a woman about a hundred and fifty yards outside of it; the Captain here has heard the bearings right enough.

You have seen his armorial bearings, his certificate of baptism, as well as what he wrote with his own hand. When a man is so near death, he does not fancy practical jokes." "If your excellency is satisfied of the truth of the story, my duty is to remain silent." "The story cannot be anything but true, and your doubts surprise me."

At length I got my bearings, and fixed the place by some tall trees in the bush. Then I descended and walked westwards. Suddenly, as I neared the place, I heard the strangest sound coming from the rocks. It was a deep muffled groaning, so eerie and unearthly that for the moment I stood and shivered. Then I remembered my river of yesterday.

The course to be sailed was talked over and over again; the bearings and notes of the pilot at Porto Santo consulted and discussed; and a chart was made by Columbus himself, and copied with his own hands for use on the three ships.

I shall stop there for a few days, until I get my bearings." Wade coughed insinuatingly. "Beg pardon, sir, but I was to fetch you straight home." "Do you mean to my grandfather's?" demanded the young man sharply. "Yes, sir. Those were the orders." "Orders to be disobeyed, I fear, Wade," said Braden darkly. "I am not going to Mr. Thorpe's house." "I understand, sir," said Wade patiently.

But on discussing the matter in all its bearings with Major Robert Beverly, whom I had ever held to be a man of judgment, he assured me that in his opinion there could no possible ill result come to such a household of women, especially when the head of it was of such openly-avowed royalist leanings.