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And in the next story, in case the telephone man doesn't crawl through the water pipe and scare the window shutter so that it goes bang-bang all day, I'll tell you about Flop Ear and the stockings. "Flop Ear," said Mrs. Twistytail, the pig lady, to her son one afternoon, "I think you will have to go to the store for me now."

Well, here I go!” exclaimed the frog boy at length, as he wrapped up in a paper what was left of his lunch, and got his bean shooter all ready. “Now for the battle. Charge! Forward, March! Bang-bang! Bung-bung!” and he made a noise like a fife and drum going up hill. “Well, I wonder what that can be coming into our woods?” asked one mosquito of another as he stopped buzzing his wings a moment.

Henshaw, pulled the latch key from his pocket, plunged it in the lock, opened the door and shut it. So close was the pursuit on him that the "bang-bang" of the knocker followed at once on the bang of the door. Then the bell went, peal after peal. Jones made for the kitchen stairs and bolted down them, found a passage leading to the back door, and, disregarding the bewildered Mrs.

He was doing what none but a faithful and experienced railroad man would have thought of doing under the circumstances; doing his best to avert further calamity by warning approaching trains from the west of the danger before them. He ran half a mile and then placed the torpedoes, which, with a brakeman's instinct, he still carried in his pocket. Bang-bang!

Oh, my goodness me sakes alive and some bang-bang tooth powder!" Carefully the rabbit gentleman arose, but as he had no red, white and blue striped crutch to lean on, he nearly fell again. "I guess I'd better stay sitting down," thought Uncle Wiggily. "Perhaps some one may come along, and I can ask them go get Nurse Jane to gnaw for me another rheumatism crutch out of a corn-stalk.

And then, just as the last bang-bang gun was fired, Susan, the jolly, good-natured cook, called: "Come, children! I have a little pie I baked especially for you two. It is just out of the oven! Come and get some while it is hot!" And you may well believe that Mirabell and Arnold did not wait they ran at once, leaving their toys on the porch.

"Scarcely, however, had we started when, from out of the mist and across our front, in furious pursuit came the first cruiser squadron of the town class, the Birmingham, and each unit a match for three like the Mainz, which was soon sunk. As we looked and reduced speed they opened fire, and the clear bang-bang of their guns was just like a cooling drink.

From his lonely arrogance his spirit flung itself down, grieving, beside her mysterious, incalculable good. He could hear the jolly bang-bang of the drum and the whoop of a trumpet. He could see her catherine-wheeling round the stage, and the man with the bloated face and tragic, intelligent eyes. "Life itself, my dear fellow, life itself." And she was dead.

Bang-Bang! went the eighteen-pounders, and through the smoke Colonel Taubmann saw the pretty Mayoress put up both hands to her ears. "Damme!" said Gunner Spettigew that evening, "the practice, if a man can speak professionally, was a disgrace. Oke, there, at Number Two gun, must ha' lost his head altogether; for I marked the shot strike the water, and 'twas a good hundred yards short if an inch.

How about a little television tonight?" Steve waved a hand. "Take your pick. Medical drama, crime drama, western drama." "The purpose of television drama," Rick declared, "is to provide an escape from the real world into the world of fantasy. So no crime drama for us because that's the real world. We will watch a medical-type show." "Western," Scotty said. "Trot-trot, bang-bang." "Medical."