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A young gentle lady, said she, meek and soft of speech, loving and obedient unto her lord, and in especial shamefaced, shrinking from any public note of herself or any deed she did. This lady had not been wed long time, when the Emperor Albright died. And he died by poison. Some among his following had given it; and his judges sat to try whom.

"That same money?" persisted Polly. "No, dear." Mrs. Albright drew up a chair beside her "Come sit down, and I'll tell you about it. I've been telling them, and we have got a little wrought up over it, that's all." "I should think anybody'd get wrought up!" put in Miss Crilly. "I guess it will be the death of poor Miss Twining!" "No, no, it won't! See how you're scaring Polly!"

These several men, among whom were Albright from the Pomo settlement a squawman took the lead, and Albright, keen as a hound on trail, picked up Old Pete's marks and signs at a running walk.

If she needs a doctor she shall have one. So let me know if the pain comes on again." Miss Sterling had been abed an hour or more when she was awakened by a gentle rap. Mrs. Albright softly opened the door. "She's worse than ever; but Miss Sniffen won't hear to calling the doctor.

The servants didn't know what to do, and they stood around helpless, till Miss Major and Mrs. Albright went into the kitchen and began to get breakfast. Miss Nita telephoned to Mr. Randolph, and he came up and appointed Miss Major to have charge of things till they could get new officers. In the middle of the forenoon who should appear but Mrs. Dick! Mrs. Tenney, I should say.

You'll break out a case of tobacco, Mr. Albright, and a few trade-knives. There's a canoe now." Old One-Eye, as befitted a chief and leader, paddled out alone, facing peril for the rest of the tribe. As Carlsen leaned over the rail to help the visitor up, he turned his head and remarked casually: "They've dug up the money, Mr. Grief. The old beggar's loaded with it."

Albright, the dairyman, spoke disparagingly; she ordered him to look after the cows. She put an arm round her wavering lord, and drew him into his favorite retreat, the library. "You must embark to-night or lose your liberty, possibly your life. The trunks are packed everything is ready! We must be brave, as an example to the children." While she spoke Dominick knocked at the door.

"Wouldn't I rave if they belonged to yours truly! How can you folks take them so coolly?" Juanita Sterling laughed. "I had my time when they first came!" "You say it all, so we don't need to," laughed Mrs. Albright. "They are beauties, that's a fact!" Miss Crilly sat down, her eyes still on the flowers. "I don't see a card anywhere," she nodded. "Ain't that proof positive?" winking toward Mrs.

"It must be perfectly grand coasting," said Sahwah, ever with an eye for sport. "Dick Albright promised he would take us out on his new bob the next time there was snow, and this is the next time, and will probably be the last time. Do you suppose you could come along?" "I doubt it," said Hinpoha. "Aunt Phoebe thinks coasting is too rough.

'That's what I'm there for! But I've got so nervous since this happened, I don't know what to do! I start every time I see one of the Board come into the house. What if they should find out! You don't suppose they could hold me for anything, do you? I'd give a farm to know how much Mrs. Albright has heard, but I'm afraid to quiz her.