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He laid fettering hand on the warder of Tartarus, and dragged him cowering from the throne of my lord the King; they essayed to ravish our mistress from the bridal chamber of Dis. Thereto the Amphrysian soothsayer made brief reply: 'No such plot is here; be not moved; nor do our weapons offer violence; the huge gatekeeper may bark on for ever in his cavern and affright the bloodless ghosts; Proserpine may keep her honour within her uncle's gates.

But the Fathers never really feared this, although express orders had been given to withdraw her from the world for her salvation's sake. In reality they were easy, for they knew her, so gentle and so humble in her fear of becoming divine, in her ignorance of the colossal machine which she had put in motion, and the working of which would have made her recoil with affright had she understood it.

"Pop, you must be nearly deep enough," said Frank, in a guarded undertone. "I'm pretty near to the place," I replied stopping a minute to draw my handkerchief across my perspiring forehead. "I'm afraid there's somebody watching us," added Arthur. "Where?" I asked in affright, staring around in the gloom. "I thought I saw a man moving out yonder."

Standing on the lowest stair, she turned, a desolate and pathetic figure, with the golden hair rippling over the marble brows. She steadied herself with one arm, and a slight cry of affright trembled upon her parted lips as Ferris sprang forward, crying "For God's sake, hear me! Just one word!" But Boardman's heavy, restraining hand grasped the deserted husband's arm. "Mr.

'My sins, he says, 'did so offend the Lord that even in my childhood He did scare and affright me with fearful dreams, and did terrify me with dreadful visions. I have been in my bed greatly afflicted while asleep, with apprehensions of devils and wicked spirits, who still, as I then thought, laboured to draw me away with them, of which I could never be rid.

But he does not expect the English to indulge in such noble ambitions unless he can show a profit in them. But lest the toils of the new settlement should affright his readers, our author draws an idyllic picture of the simple pleasures which nature and liberty afford here freely, but which cost so dearly in England.

He was perhaps a half-dozen paces in advance of Fred, when he abruptly stopped with an exclamation of affright. "What is it?" asked his friend, hardly less startled. "Look at that!" He pointed downward, almost at his feet. Still unaware of what he meant, Fred stepped guardedly forward to his side.

When I saw him, O my sister, I fell down for excess of affright; but the young lion rose and went to meet the carpenter, who smiled in his face and said to him, with a glib tongue, "O illustrious king and lord of the long arm, may God prosper shine evening and shine endeavour and increase thy velour and strengthen thee!

On the right hand is an upward crag, called by some the Castle, easy enough to scale, and giving great view of the Channel. Facing this, from the inland side and the elbow of the valley, a queer old pile of rock arises, bold behind one another, and quite enough to affright a man, if it only were ten times larger.

The boy, thrusting his cold hands into his pockets and lifting his eyebrows, looked at Denisov in affright, but in spite of an evident desire to say all he knew gave confused answers, merely assenting to everything Denisov asked him. Denisov turned away from him frowning and addressed the esaul, conveying his own conjectures to him.