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I am losing self-control and growing irritable. This evening, as I passed liquor saloons on my way home, my old appetite for drink seemed as strong as ever. What does it all mean?" Mr. Growther's wrinkled visage worked curiously, and at last he said in a tone and manner that betokened the deepest distress: "I'm awfully afeerd you're a-backslidin'."

"It's the first bit o' comfort I've had since Marian war tuk away! I've heerd myself that Holt war afeerd o' Stebbins; an' maybe that snake in the grass had a coil about him somehow. I confess ye, it often puzzled me, Marian's takin' it so to heart, an' all about a bit o' a kiss which I wudn't a tuk, if the Indian hadn't poked her lips clost up to myen. Lord o' mercy!

"My name is Grace Morgan," replied the lady, looking behind her once more, as though she dreaded some peril in that direction. "Be you afeerd of sunthin', that you keep lookin' over yender?" inquired the cavalryman in kindly tones. "What is it? Tell me all about it." "You say you are a Union man?" she inquired doubtfully. "Bet your life on't!

As for me, the thought of going with them into that promised land was like wine. Wondering what the place was like, I could not sleep of nights. "Ain't you afeerd to go, Davy?" said Tom to me. "You promised Polly Ann to take me," said I, indignantly. "Davy," said he, "you ain't over handsome. 'Twouldn't improve yere looks to be bald. They hev a way of takin' yere ha'r.

'I'm afeerd we've come in rayther arter the time, mum, but the young colt being full o' wice, has been' a boltin' and shyin' and gettin' his leg over the traces to sich a extent that if he an't wery soon broke in, he'll wex me into a broken heart, and then he'll never be brought out no more except to learn his letters from the writin' on his grandfather's tombstone.

Weller. 'Oh, that's it, is it? said Sam. 'I was afeerd, from his manner, that he might ha' forgotten to take pepper vith that 'ere last cowcumber he eat. Set down, Sir, ve make no extra charge for settin' down, as the king remarked wen he blowed up his ministers. 'Young man, said Mr. Stiggins ostentatiously, 'I fear you are not softened by imprisonment.

If you hadn't set him up in that grocery store I'm afraid he'd be chorin' now. You remember Mrs. Crowley? She jes' loves them children, but Mandy's afeerd she's going to lose her. She's got a beau a feller named Dan Sweeney, and his hair is so red you could light a match by techin' it. He works for your brother 'Zeke. He's a good enuf feller, but he and Strout don't hitch horses.

'Wot, I s'pose you happened to drive up agin a post or two? said Sam. 'I'm afeerd, replied Mr. Weller, in a rapture of winks 'I'm afeerd I took vun or two on 'em, Sammy; he wos a-flyin' out o' the arm-cheer all the way.

And, by the way, we'll need all we can kill, for we haven't much provision to depend on, and part of it must be reserved in case of accidents, so that if Frank does not do his duty, we shall have to live on birch bark, Massan." "That would be rayther tough. I'm afeerd," replied the steersman, laughing.

"Because," said the parson, "for two reasons: firstly, I hare broken the laws, and ought to stand the penalty; and secondly you must really excuse me, Jools, you know, but the pass has been got onfairly, I'm afeerd. M. St.-Ange stood up aghast, and for a moment speechless, at this exhibition of moral heroism; but an artifice was presently hit upon.