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But when he got to the fork between the Huntingdon Road and the Cottenham Road, both roads were clear. He spent some time in hesitation. Then he went along the Huntingdon Road until he came upon a road-mender, and learnt that Benham had passed that way. "Going pretty fast 'e was," said the road-mender, "and whipping 'is 'orse. Else you might 'a thought 'e was a boltin' with 'im."

Peter Furrer, more long-sighted than the rest, delivered it in a boorish fashion all his own. "Ther' ain't no one aboard of that sleigh," he called out. "Say, them plugs is just boltin'. Gum, but they be comin' hell-belt-fer-leckshuns."

She's done the best day's work she ever did for herself and me, too." "Well, how you can speak about it so, Ranny," said his mother. "There you're at it again, you know pretendin'. You go on as if it was the most horrible thing that could happen to any one, her boltin', when you know the most horrible thing would be her comin' back again.

So it went on for a year or two, till, one fall, I was stayin' here to your ma's, Cornele, I guess you remember the time, helpin' of her make up her quinces and apples. We was jest in the midst of bilin' cider, with one biler on the stove and the biggest brass kittle full in the fireplace, when in comes boltin' Miss Jaynes, dressed up as fine as a fiddle.

Beale, "an' 'ave 'im boltin' off gracious knows where, and being pinched or carted off to the Dogs' Home, or that. Can I, now?" The new dog was very long, very brown, very friendly and charming. When it had had its supper it wagged its tail, turned a clear and gentle eye on Dickie, and without any warning stood on its head. "Well," said Mr. Beale, "if there ain't money in that beast!

"We can't bolt," said Ben, "'cause, if I took my bearin's right, he's between us an' the shore, an' it would be of no manner o' use boltin' into the country to be hunted down like a couple of foxes." "Then we'll floor him to begin with," whispered Bill. "That's so," said Ben. The sentry approached, and the sailors drew up close against the wall. Presently his dark form became faintly visible.

'I'm afeerd we've come in rayther arter the time, mum, but the young colt being full o' wice, has been' a boltin' and shyin' and gettin' his leg over the traces to sich a extent that if he an't wery soon broke in, he'll wex me into a broken heart, and then he'll never be brought out no more except to learn his letters from the writin' on his grandfather's tombstone.

If it's neether, we got to set round and take Piper's pot- luck, while he and his chaps lay safe out o range and, shoots us if we bolt." "Where's the good in boltin?" came the brooding voice. "Nowhere to bolt to. Jack Ketch's our only friend this side the water." There was a stony silence. "How long's this game goin to last? that's what I want to know," came the black and bitter voice at last.

Boltin' into the woods an' gittin' lost would be little use in the face o' savages that can track a deer by invisible footprints. An' fighting them would be like fighting moskitoes one thousand down, another thousand come on!

Hennessy. "Sure," said Mr. Dooley. "He cured Teddy Rosenfelt iv boltin'." ON A SPEECH BY PRESIDENT McKINLEY. "I hear-r that Mack's in town," said Mr. Dooley. "Didn't ye see him?" asked Mr. Hennessy. "Faith, I did not!" said Mr. Dooley.