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A long-sighted, or hypermetropic, eye is one which can focus light from distant objects, but not from near objects. These defects in focusing are remedied by wearing glasses with lenses so shaped as to counteract them. Short-sightedness is corrected by concave lenses and long-sightedness by convex lenses, as shown in diagrams above. Astigmatism is another defect in the focusing power of the eye.

My God, man!" cried the Viscount, with a vicious snap of his teeth. "Why didn't you kill him?" "Because I was beside her first, Dick." "Damn him!" exclaimed the Viscount bitterly. "But he is your friend, Dick." "Was, Bev, was! We'll make it in the past tense hereafter." "Then you agree with your father after all?" "I do, Bev; my father is a cursed, long-sighted, devilish observant man!

"Yes," I replied, without hesitation, and added, "I hope we shall meet wolves." The Lapps left by twos and threes and went in different directions. One of them and myself took our way directly east. After travelling a few miles I espied a black speck very far away, for I am long-sighted.

Wilberforce represented in this the real wave of Wesleyan religion which had made a humane reaction against Calvinism, and was in no mean sense philanthropic. But there is something romantic in the English mind which can always see what is remote. It is the strongest example of what men lose by being long-sighted.

"No," answered Cartoner, speaking at length, without hesitation and without haste a man who knew his own mind, and went straight to the heart of the question. "We must not meet in the streets." "That may not be as easy as it sounds," said Wanda, "in a small city like Warsaw. Are you so long-sighted that you can always make sure of avoiding us?"

She is never to speak to me, and I am always to bow to her. But I really must purchase. Where did you get that glass-chain, St. James? Lady Afy, can you accommodate me? 'Here is one prettier! But are you near-sighted, too, Mr. Annesley? 'Very. I look upon a long-sighted man as a brute who, not being able to see with his mind, is obliged to see with his body. The price of this?

But, if the words may be used, as I think they may be understood, without irreverence, or any meaning that would be akin to blasphemy, she seemed to me to be more in charity with her Creator. The ways of God to man had become more justified to her; and her outlook as to the futurity of the world was a more hopeful one. Of course optimism had with her to be long-sighted!

Like others whose vision has been trained on far-off cattle, he was very long-sighted; his eye could reach out and read the half-obliterated brand on a distant cow a faculty which saves a horse many steps, especially on a ranch where the cattle do not all belong to one owner. Tuck, being one of this kind, was as yet afar off when he saw that there were two persons at the fire.

You failed in that element of "restless distrust" that Talleyrand used to call the temper of the diplomatist. 'It is not the first time I have had to feel I am your lordship's inferior. 'My education was not made in a day, Atlee. It need be no discouragement to you that you are not as long-sighted as I am. No, no; rely upon it, there is no daughter in the case.

He had some need to know them in fact; and with him the need of a protection for himself called it forth; he was intuitively a conjurer in self-defence, long-sighted, wanting no directions to the herb he was to suck at when fighting a serpent.