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"It's my duty to warn you that anythin' you say kin be used ag'in' you," said the sheriff. "Be you comin' along peaceable?" "I'm comin' peaceable," said Abner. "If God's satisfied I be." Abner Levens was locked in the unreliable jail of Coldriver village, and a watch placed over him.

"I don't agree with you, Mr. Holden," said the housekeeper, decidedly. "Herbert has been hard at work, and needs his tea as much as you or I do." Therefore, without waiting for his permission, she handed the cup to Herbert, who proceeded to taste it. Abner Holden frowned, but neither Herbert nor the housekeeper took much notice of it.

Then, again, it would be gratifying to him to have our hero in subjection to him. He could pay him off then, ten times over, for his insolence, as he chose to term it. "I'll break his proud spirit," thought Abner Holden. "He'll find he's got a master, if I get hold of him. He don't know me yet, but he will some time." Mr.

Abner S. Brady, is one hundred and eighty feet by fifty-two, in its main hall, and thirty-five feet in height, with nearly a thousand pupils. The beautiful hall of the Metropolitan Gymnasium, in Chicago, measures one hundred and eight feet by eighty, and is twenty feet high at the sides, with a dome in the centre, forty feet high, and the same in diameter.

Getchel brought the satchel to me, and told me it was money you had sent me. But I want to say, Abner, that of all the " At this moment the principal picked up the hateful satchel and the pair passed out of hearing of four young freshmen who had hidden near to learn what the mystery of the satchel meant.

"He would for you," Abner blurted out. "If you think so much of him, why don't you come in and do his work for him?" said Strout. "When you were going to buy this store, and Mr. Sawyer got ahead of yer, yer promised me a job here as pay for some special nosin' round I'd done fer yer but when yer got in the saddle you forgot the feller who'd boosted yer up.

Sinclair than at the elders," said Mrs. Abner Keech, fanning herself vigorously. "Elders are subject to queer spells periodically. They think they assert their authority that way. But Mr. Sinclair has always seemed so liberal and broad-minded." "You never can tell what crotchet an old bachelor will take into his head," said Alethea Craig bitingly. The others nodded agreement. Mr.

We girls about made up our minds that we would get together a little fund and see if we couldn't do some missionary work in that neighbourhood hire some real good artists" Abner winced at this hideous perversion of the word "hire some real good artists to go over there and let those poor creatures see what a first-class show was like; and Mr. Whyland promised to contribute " "Stop!" said Abner.

Once outside of the gate he paused, glancing irresolutely up and down the street. Which way to turn or where to go he did not know. He had not thought before of what he should do. Phil heard the clatter of Abner Adams' stick as the old man thumped about in the kitchen. Suddenly the door was jerked open with unusual violence. "Begone!" bellowed Mr. Adams, brandishing his cane threateningly.

When Toby told Uncle Daniel that night of their intention to go on with the work of the long-delayed circus, and that Abner was to ride up to the pasture where he could see everything that was going on, the old gentleman shook his head doubtingly, as if he feared the consequences to the invalid, who appeared very much exhausted even by the short ride he had taken.