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But about the middle of the fore-noon, while I was in my garden, I heard a tremendous racket up the road. Rattle bang, zip, toot! As I looked up I saw the boss lineman and his crew careering up the road in their truck, and the bold driver was driving like Jehu, the son of Nimshi.

There followed a second report and the zip of a bullet burying itself in wood, and then he heard Bud yelling, "Go on!" Realizing that once across the narrow stream he would be under shelter, he kicked and belabored his mule to the take-off. There was a downward plunge, a floundering in the icy water, and then an unsteady sensation as the beast struck out to swim.

The two men became great friends and assured celibates. Yet they always spoke reverently of their "wife," with the touching prefix of "our." "She was a good woman, pardner," said Byers. "And she understood us," said Abner resignedly. Perhaps she had. The four men on the "Zip Coon" Ledge had not got fairly settled to their morning's work.

The rifle-bullets were whizzing so zip, zip from the sharp-shooters on the Federal lines that involuntarily I moved on my chair. He said, "Don't be alarmed; you are out of range. They are firing at our mules yonder." His horse, tied by the tent door, was quivering all over, the most intense exhibition of fear I'd ever seen in an animal.

Hours after dawn, hours after the attack began, the teenth were in extended battle order to the south of Malate confronted by thickets of bamboo that fairly swarmed with Insurgents, yet, only by the incessant zip and "whiew" of their deadly missiles and the ceaseless crackle of rifle fire, could this be determined; for with their smokeless powder and their Indian-like skill in concealment nothing could be seen of their array.

"Well, mass'r, some folks says she am proud, case de common niggers envy ob her daat's de troof. She nebber proud to Ole Zip, daat I knows she talk to 'im, an tell 'im many tings she help teach Ole Zip read, and de ole Chloe, and de leettle Chloe, an she " "It is a description of her person I ask for, Scipio." "Oh! a 'scription ob her person ye daat is, what am she like?" "So.

Somewhere on the near skirt of the village a wild war-whoop rings out on the air, a mad cry of warning, then bang, zip, comes the first shot from the tepees, whistling over Cranston's shoulder and skimming a mile away down-stream. No need of further caution now. Now is the time.

Zip had just come from the watering trough where he had been trying to get the dirt and cobwebs off his coat which he had gotten on under the eaves in the attic, and was up on a table nosing around when he thought he smelt mice in a bandbox. He cocked his head to listen and, sure enough, he heard the mice moving around inside. So he cautiously tried to open the lid.

The superstitious savages awaited fearfully another rifle shot; another lightning stroke, another visitation from the paleface's God. But Jim Girty, with a cunning born of his terrible fear, had recognized the ring of that rifle. He had felt the zip of a bullet which could just as readily have found his brain as Half King's.

Fifteen years later, in 2002, 1.44 M is the standard disk and ZIP is the standard compression. The practical file size is about 3 million characters, more than long enough for the average book. The digitized ASCII version of a 300-page novel is 1 M. A bulky book can fit in two ASCII files, that can be downloaded as is or in ZIP format. A few numbers are reserved for "special" books.